Sangh Siksha Vargha of Uttar Tamilnadu – A Report

via VSK Chennai published on May 13, 2010

The First Year Sangh Siksha Vargha of Uttar Tamilnadu was held at Palakode village of Dharmapuri Jilla between 18th April and 9th May 2010.  A total of 171 Swayamsevaks, comprising of students, businessmen, professionals, farmers, workers etc., took part in the training.  Some of the highlights of the camp are given below:            
Inauguration of the camp – The camp was formally inaugurated by Sri JP Nagarajan, (Premier Industries) of the Reception Committee constituted for the Camp.  Most of the Reception committee Members, which comprised of      members drawn from all walks of life, attended the function along with their families.  Sri Baktavatsalam, Saha Pranta Pracharak spoke highlighting the need for holding such camp.           
Daily lighting of lamp – On all the 20 days of the Camp, some of the important persons in and around the Dharmapuri Jilla lighted lamp and offered flowers to  Bharat Mata around 5.30 in the early morning.  Most of them who lighted the lamp attended along with their families by getting up as early as 2.00 or 3.00 a.m.  The list consisted of Doctors, Village Panchayat heads, Head Masters, Teachers, Officers etc.  All of them were moved by the serene atmosphere, rendering of Ekatmata Strotra, physical training etc.       
Visit to the Samadhi of Sri Subramania Siva – All the Swayamsevaks who participated in the Camp were taken to the Samadhi of Sri Subramania Siva, a freedom fighter of Tamil Nadu.  Sri Veerabahu of VHP spoke about the life of Sri Subramania Siva highlighting how he sacrificed his life along with Sri Subramania Bharati and Sri V.O.Chidambara Pillai for the freedom of our country.  The Swayamsevaks were moved on hearing the hardships faced by them and their families.  Some of them even literally wept.  Sri Sathyanarayana   Siva, grandson of Sri Subramania Siva came all the way from Chennai and presided over the function.  Sri Subramania Siva longed during his last days to build a temple for Bharat Mata.  He passed away before he could carry out his wish. In fact the land in which his samadhi is built was given to him for building the temple.  For all the Swayamsevaks it was an unforgettable experience.  Recounting their experiences later, some of them expressed that they will help in constructing the temple for Bharat Mata which is incomplete.  Some of them expressed that they will work for building a temple for Bharat Mata in their area.
Village Contact Programme – All the Swayamsevaks, in batches, consisting of 10 to 15 went and contacted the villages in and around Dharmapuri Jilla. This was arranged in order to give confidence to the trainees in contacting new places and conducting one hour Shakha.  The local people of the villages warmly welcomed them and offered food.  Recounting their experiences, the Swayamsevaks told that they were touched by the hospitality shown the villagers.  They also expressed that their confidence level increased.
Mathru Bhojan – As the Karyakarthas of Dharmapuri Jilla had excellent household contact, Mathru Bhojan was arranged in the camp one afternoon.  A total of 55 families prepared food in their houses and served it to the swayamsevaks.  A homely atmosphere prevailed on that day which was relished both by the swayamsevaks and the family members.  Sri Baktavatsalam addressed the family members, consisting of 87 women, highlighting the need for preserving values in the family and society which is slowly moving towards consumerism.
Elders Meet
-  At the venue of the Camp, an Elders Meet was arranged one day in the evening.  A total of 140 elders, comprising of people drawn from all walks of life, participated in the meet, which was addressed by Sri R Vanniarajan, Kshetra Sanghachalak.  He highlighted the work of RSS which was followed by interaction with a question and answer session.              
Route March and Public Function
– The people of Palakode turned out in large numbers to witness the colourful Route March by the Swayamsevaks in Poorna Ganavesh along with Ghosh.  The entire route was decorated with saffron flags.  The people on both sides of the street gathered and welcomed the Route March and offered flowers to the Bhagawa Flag.  The Route March was held amidst tight security provided by the Police personnel.  Though permission for the Route March was initially refused, later it was granted after prolonged discussions with the police.      
The response to the Public Meeting, which was held at the venue of the camp after the Route March, was very good.  Sri Sthanumalyan, Pranta Pracharak addressed the large gathering highlighting about ‘Hindutva’, the need for preserving it and the role of Sangh.  Ma.Sri Govindaraju, Sanghachalak of Palakode Taluk and the Correspondent of Sri Vidhya Mandir School, in which the camp was held, presided over the function.  Sri Raju, Dharmakartha for many villages, hoisted the Bhagawa Flag. A total of 750 people comprising of men and women from 53 villages participated in the function.

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