Sanatan Sanstha Accept the Congress’ challenge of ban!

via Special Editorial from Sanatan Sastha : published on October 21, 2008

Seekers! Accept the Congress’ challenge of ban!


   After arresting some misled workers of Sanatan in connection with the bomb blast at Gadakari Rangayatan in Thane, the police have been pestering Sanatan for the last three months. The rulers and heretics are trying to dampen the spirits of seekers by demanding a ban on Sanatan. The first salvo was fired by Mr. Madan Bafna, spokesperson of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). Thereafter the home minister Mr. RR Patil gave a hint in the legislative assembly about the ban. Now the president of NCP and union minister for agriculture Mr. Sharad Pawar is posing a direct question to the minister of his own party sitting on the dais, “What are you going to do to ban Sanatan?” On the other hand, the members of parliament and workers of Samajwadi Party who are visiting the houses of terrorists are also bringing pressure on the government for the ban by taking agitational route. Some seekers are under tension because of the clamour of rulers and heretics for a ban and also due to harassment by the police. No wonder the Congress government which has gone to the extent of arresting the Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peeth Shri Swami Jayendra Saraswati under a false case of murder can also make Sanatan a scapegoat just to please the Islamic demon! If Sanatan is banned, the seekers will not be put to any worldly loss; but they are more worried that the ban would harm their activity of protection of nation and awakening of Righteousness. In fact, thousands of Sanatan seekers have sacrificed their wealth by economising every paisa from their monthly income and have spread the Sanstha’s noble mission in the country and abroad by working day and night without expecting any reward or return. Truly, the very concept of ban on Sanatan is going to torment their mind. Hence the seekers should ponder over some points in order to become self-reliant. Our intention is to connect the ship of reason to the shores of mind-power so as to enable the seekers to make the Hindu brethren aware of the extremely difficult situation and to pass through the ocean of turmoil caused by the ban. Hence today we are discussing the pros and cons of ban at length.

Continue treading on the path with the help of perspectives
so far given through DSP till establishment of Divine Kingdom!

    The Congress government is so eager to impose a ban on DSP that this message might perhaps be the last from our side. We are not sure whether tomorrow’s issue will come out. The ban may be on any organisations, but as it will be on a Hindu organisation, everyone will feel the pain. If the lightning of ban falls on Sanatan Prabhat, our daily conversation with thousands of Hindus will stop. Due to Sanatan’s activities, not only the Vyashti, but the Samashti sadhana of thousands of Hindu brethren starts with the thoughts and teachings in Sanatan Prabhat. This flow of thoughts will cease after the ban and thousands of Hindus will feel like marooned in floods. If the ban comes, the yearly subscriptions paid by hundreds of readers will be refunded to them. Readers! We have never run ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ for monetary gains. Our main objectives were to bring about awakening among the Hindus, to make the Hindu community powerful and that the Hindu community should taste the sweet fruits of establishment of Divine Kingdom. Looking at the imminent ban by the anti-religious Congress government, it is worth mentioning here that you should continue treading on the set path with the help of the perspectives so far given through DSP till the establishment of Divine Kingdom.

Dainik Sanatan Prabhat will become immortal for
Hindutwa in history and the Congress will be a villain!

    Bharat adopted democracy and the newspapers acquired full freedom. So there was no incidence of a ban on a newspaper that propagates philosophy that is contrary to governments in the history of 61 years of independence. The only exception was the Emergency in 1975. The then prime minister Smt. Indira Gandhi strangled almost all the newspapers who wrote against her during the Emergency. The electricity was discontinued to the printing press of the newspapers who wrote against her. The Emergency in the independent Bharat was written in black letters and Indira Gandhi became a villain. The incidence of choking of newspapers at government level never occurred thereafter in Bharat. But it seems, it will happen in respect of Sanatan Prabhat. So far as freedom of press is concerned, it will be a repeat of Emergency. If the Congress bans ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’, it would be registered in the history that the Dainik was banned due to its pro-Hindu school of thought and then the Congress would emerge a villain.

Persecution of seekers before establishment of Divine Kingdom is inevitable
just as the persecution of sages and seers before establishment of Ram Rajya!

    The mission of Sanatan has always been one of opposition to the selfish and corrupt rulers, administration and the heretics. There are no two opinions that the rulers will take action against Sanatan out of sheer malice and hatred. Hence first the seekers should be mentally prepared for the action against the Sanstha. What exactly would be the action? Police will start persecuting seekers more vehemently in the name of ‘enquiry’, a few more seekers will be jailed or at the worst, impose a ban on Sanatan, the Sanatan’s ashrams will be sealed and its bank accounts frozen. What worse they can do to Sanatan? If the police and rulers are under the impression that the ‘buildings made of rocks and bricks are Sanatan’, they are living in a fool’s paradise. During its reign of 18 years, Sanatan has created a network of thousands of selfless seekers and lakhs of well-wishers who can sacrifice body, mind and wealth for the sake of Dharma. The buildings made of bricks and rocks can be dismantled, wealth can be usurped; but where can the people from every village and towns connected to Sanatan by heart go? In fact, they are the true strength of Sanatan. If one Ashram of Sanatan is sealed, the houses of thousands of seekers will become Ashrams and will continue its mission. No one should indulge in daydreaming that once 5-50 seekers of Sanatan are arrested, thousands of seekers will be disheartened and get scared. Out the soul-energy of the arrested seekers, hundreds of seekers will be produced with equal amount of divine consciousness. The history of what happened in the freedom struggle will be repeated in Sanatan’s Revolution of Dharma. How many seekers will the police arrest? In 1948 and 1975, the same anti-Hindu Congressmen clamped a ban on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and put thousands of Swayamsewaks behind bars; but could they finish the Sangh? The Swayamsewaks who could not be put in jail by police carried on the mission of Sangh and so the Sangh grew by leaps and bounds! Sanatan enjoys the blessings of hundreds of saints and seers and also has the support of The Lord.

    What is important is that the police and ruler will take away everything from Sanatan. But can anyone take away the seekers who have radiant pride for Dharma, the spiritual strength they have acquired and the spiritual experience of Divine existence they have got? Hence the seekers should not care for the threats of ban. We Sanatan’s seekers live spirituality; why should we live on psychological level? Be it the ruler or police or the administration, they are all bent on destroying the Dharma-yadnya started by Sanatan. The Sanatan’s seekers are bound to face the sufferings at their hands up to the year 2012. It was only when there was a mountain of bones of sages and seers, was Ram Rajya established. On the same analogy, if the Divine Kingdom is to be established after the seekers undergo a mountain of ordeals, they are always ready for that. It is an inevitable part in the establishment of Divine Kingdom. The pot of sins of the anti-religious demons becomes full when the devotees are tormented at their hands. The Lord then incarnates, destroys all the heretics and establishes Divine Kingdom that is the kingdom of Dharma.

    The demons are not only tormenting the seekers, but also every person who is a follower of Dharma and of Truth. Hence every follower of Dharma should contribute his mite towards the establishment of Divine Kingdom. The ensuing elections should herald an era of Revolution of Dharma. Every Hindu should strive hard for one thing – the anti-religious party is not elected during the elections! There is no doubt that this change in attitude among the Hindus will alone destroy the heresy of the rulers!

Global mission of Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti will continue!

    Now the question is about Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti. These two organisations have already crossed the boundaries of the country. They have started the activities of consolidation of Hindus and religious education in many countries and have been getting overwhelming response. The Congress government will, at the most, stop the activities of these organisations in Bharat temporarily; but their activities of spread of Dharma will continue throughout the world through the medium of their websites. It is worth mentioning here that this dance of revenge of the Congress will not continue for long. It is said that before extinguishing, ‘the flame of a lamp flickers violently’. Like Shishupal, the Congress has completed its quota 100 crimes and is breathing its last. After the elections, the Congress rule will disappear and these three mediums will again present themselves before you to continue the divine mission with a renewed zeal and vigour!

Why is Congress government afraid of ‘Sanatan Prabhat’?

    According to a news report, the union cabinet will discuss the issue of ban on ‘Sanatan Prabhat’. Mr. Sharad Pawar and Mr. Patil have created such a tense atmosphere about ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ during the last few days that one gets the impression that there is more threat to the country from ‘Sanatan Prabhat’ that works for the nation and Dharma than the Islamic terrorist organisations like Indian Mujahidin, HUJI, Lakshar-e-Toyba, SIMI etc. We regret that at a time when the Islamic terrorism and Naxalism growing in alarming proportion, our ministers are wasting their valuable time in discussions about ban on Sanatan Sanstha. The only question that keeps nagging us is why the Congress government with an army of 8 lakh at its disposal is afraid of Sanatan Prabhat whose circular is hardly 15000 (that too in Maharashtra only)?

History testifies only Truth emerges victorious!

    We have observed that the incidents that have taken place during the last 9 years since inception of ‘Dainik Sanatan Prabhat’ have also occurred in history. We often feel that the history of our vow of Hindutwa and nationalism and the tyrant British-like reign of the Congress is being repeated after 61 years of independence. There are two glaring incidents that come to our mind today. One is in respect of Lokmanya Tilak. He had boldly told the judge in a case against him for an article in ‘Kesari’ newspaper, “It seems to be the desire of God that the mission I have undertaken should get a boost by my undergoing a punishment.” We remember this sentence today. The second incident is in respect of Pujya Golwalkar, Sarsanghachalak of RSS. In 1948, the Congress had banned the Sangh with ulterior motives on the issue of assassination of Gandhi. While speaking at length about the ban, Pujya Golwalkar Guruji had said, “The adversity fell on the Sangh due to its strength and it will be removed also due to its strength.” In the thoughts of the above two Mahatmas lies the remarkable strength of Sanatan’s victory. Those who fight for Dharma should therefore not get scared! The ultimate victory in the fight of truth and untruth is with Truth alone that is with the followers of God. In other words, it is the victory of the seekers! It may be God’s plans that the mission of awakening of Dharma would grow rapidly through imposition of a ban on Sanatan. So the seekers should not be under tension of police action, should be mentally prepared to face it and continue their activities boldly without fear. Even if the rulers and heretics try to finish the Sanatan one way or the other out of sheer malice, the anti-Sanatan elements should remember that Sanatan being eternal and everlasting, it will rise up from the ashes like Phoenix and will be rejuvenated with the help of its own inherent radiance.

    Today every true follower of Dharma who draws inspiration from history should take a vow like Arya Chanakya that I shall not keep quiet even for a moment till the establishment of Divine Kingdom based on the tenets of Dharma!

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