Sacred Thread Sanskar of Pakistani Hindu refugees

published on May 23, 2013

In a very special event organized at Dada Mote Mandir, Village Bharthal, Bijwasan, Delhi, today on May 21, 2013, 482 Pakistani Hindu refugees were honored with Yajnopaveet (Sacred Thread in Hinduism).  The program was masterminded by Dr D K Garg, eminent educationist and Head – Education & Knowledge Excellence (Agniveer). Dr D K Garg is leading the Agniveer initiative for supporting Pakistani refugees.

The program got wholehearted support and leadership from various eminent organizations and individuals. Dr Anil Arya, President – Arya Yuwak Parishad conducted the event and galvanized support from various quarters. Several other educationists, industrialists and social activists joined in this event.

These 482 Pakistani Hindus have taken refuge in Delhi after fleeing from Pakistan as result of unprecedented anti Hindu wave there. Kindly visit to know more about these families and difficulties they are facing currently. Agniveer organized couple of medical camps last month for the families and distributed medicines for free . Agniveer also became instrumental in helping 25 (now 70) Pakistani Girls get free education upto graduation in several Gurukuls. Here are the details

But today was a historic day for two reasons. These Hindus that, unfortunately, are called as ‘Dalits’, who were denied rights of practicing their religion by fanatics, who were denied rights of performing rituals, performed Yajna after taking Yajnopaveet (Sacred Thread) and broke stupid notions of casteism. They defied slavery of hundreds of years and now vowed to live a free and dignified life henceforth. All of them resolved to leave meat, alcohol, addiction, smoking, gambling and follow examples like Ram, Krishna, Hanuman and Dayanand. They also resolved to become Vedic role models to attract entire world to Vedas. They took oath of avenging tortures on them in last 65 years in Pakistan by spreading Peace, tolerance and showcasing why they love Hinduism, why they live for Hinduism and why they can die for Hinduism.

Today’s event was a slap in the face of those who believe that women and ‘lower caste’ people cant perform Yajna or cant have Yajnopaveet/Janeu. Yajnopaveets were distributed to all regardless of caste and gender. And Agniveer is committed to spearhead this crusade against caste and gender inequality till it ends.

In his address, Shri Sanjeev Newar – Founder, Agniveer urged the Pakistani refugees to be not just survivors but be role models. He explained that this Janeu Sanskar is a vow that they will not only assert their commitment to Hinduism, but set such examples that whole world is attracted to Hinduism. He urged them to understand what true Hinduism is, what a true Arya is and become true Arya – noble ones. The Pakistani brothers and sisters agreed with wet eyes.

Dr D K Garg asked them to take a promise that they will shun all vices forever  and say no to alcohol, tobacco, smoking, meat. They all willfully agreed. He also offered jobs to 50 of them in his organization along with home, electricity and every other facility for dignified living. But they must strive to be Vedic role models – that was the precondition. Many other prominent people like Dr Anil Arya, Shri Muni Pratap, Shri Mahender Bhai,  Cap. Ashok Gulati, Shri Vidya Sagar Verma, Shri Ram Kumar, Shri Subhash Dua, Shri Shishupal Arya, Shri Jagveer Arya, Shri Bhagat Singh Rathi, Acharya Aman Singh Shastri, Shri Jiwan Shastri, Shri Rajiv Param, Shri Prem Kant Batra also encouraged people to live life in Vedic way.

Apart from Yajnopaveets, clothes were also distributed to the families that Agniveer’s representatives have collected from across India. Shri Ronak, Shri Bipin and many other Agniveer representatives led the massive campaigns for collecting clothes and medicines for this cause. Volunteers from Spiritual and nationalistic organizations like Art of Living worked hand in hand to make this campaign a success. Agniveer thanks all individuals and groups that helped in this Seva mission directly or indirectly. Once again many thanks to our Agniveers Bipin and Ronak for their restless efforts.

Agniveer thanks from bottom of the heart to all those who made this event a success. We thank Dr D K Garg who was the mastermind behind this whole event. We also thank Dr Anil Arya  for his invaluable leadership in making this event a success. And lastly we thank Ch Nahar Singh, modern day Bhamashah, with folded hands who has been giving  shelter, protection and doing everything for these brothers and sisters in distress singlehanded.

Good news is that after 70 children of these families have been offered free education till graduation by Gurukul Noida, Gurukul Hasanpur and Gurukul Faridabad,  local administration has also agreed to provide primary education to all children of these families free of cost. Children were distributed school bags and books in today’s event.

Agniveer thanks all of you for your support and love. We shall continue to work for the cause of humanity. Kindly visit this link to see pictures of event You may also visit our Facebook page for pictures and more updates on Pakistani Hindus.

May the truth prevail!

To directly help these families, kindly contact Ch. Nahar Singh Ji at his following address

Ch. Nahar Singh
Ambedkar Basti
New Delhi

(Directions: Bijwasan is near Gurgaon and Palam Village. At Bijwasan, take the road adjoining Golokdham Mandir and reach Holi Chowk. From there, take a cut to Ambedkar Basti and reach Shiv Mandir. Ask anyone location of Tower on the road. You can ask anyone about Ch Nahar Singh there. Since a lot of media persons have visited in last few days, it will be easy to get road directions from passer-byes, if in doubt)

With best wishes

Team Agniveer

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