RSS/HSS refugee work in Nepal

via Inputs from Shri Shyam Parande published on April 30, 2015

Important activities taken up by RSS/HSS team in Kathmandu are:

– The team called on Swami Ramdev Baba and Acharya Balakrishnaji to discuss how best to serve the affected.
– Visited some sites and hospitals where survivors are being attended/treated.

– The team also called on the H. E. Ambassador of  India in Nepal to share the activity. Urged the Embassy to attend to Indian tourists and facilitate their safe homeward journey.
– A joint meeting of important karyakartas was held to draw a plan of work. The activity has been divided into 8 groups and every group will reach out to different areas to serve the affected.
– A helpline has been organized for attending the people in distress.
– 10000 Blankets and 10000 Tarpaulins have been ordered from Bharat
– Dry food packs have been arranged
– Communications is still a huge set back to the relief activity as e-mail and internet are not working at lowest efficiency. Tardy communications will hamper the speed of relief and reporting back.
– Relief material is urgently requested

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