HK Appeal: Least we forget the plight of a Kerala Hindu family as we celebrate Diwali

By HK Seva Team published on October 19, 2017 was started a decade ago not by chance. It has been the outcome of the will and determination of a group of individuals- the will to survive, the resolution to disseminate authentic news and critical perspective. And so we launched, with stupendous support from our readers, writers and Hindu activists from around the world. The platform has endured various hurdles like subtle threats, provocations and antagonism from Marxists and dogmatic fanatics. Inspite of these, Haindavakeralam has forged ahead in becoming a source for promulgating unbiased news, and has exposed forces that have been pushing Hindus to the verge of disaster.When HK was born, the core focus lay on bringing out vital issues and challenges that stood facing Kerala Hindu community.In fact HK has been among pioneers in highlighting these issues and bringing them to the notice of people at national and international level.Heartfelt gratitude to our readers, our most valuable resource, who have stood with us in championing the cause, with their ever valuable suggestions- both appreciative and critical. Your role in spreading the message has been the driving force behind HK’s success. Your support and prayer  keeps us motivated, giving us the zeal to continue our effort.

Hindus, inspite of all divisive and malignant attempts, have a deep, steadfast and strong rooted sense of community. Compassion has always run deep in Hindu blood, when it has come to the cause of the sufferings of their global family members. Scores of Hindu institutions are run by souls with profound motivation and commitment.However, there have been several instances when the Kerala Hindu community has faced set backs during the course of achieving their goals, owing to lack of financial reserves.Sad and unfortunate, but true- the very name political intolerance and murders! Kerala has stood witness to the brutal slaying of scores of valiant sons of the soil, just to quell the political vendetta of political opponents. Adding to the woes of these families are the fact that many of the surviving family members are continually harassed by political goons, on flimsy or non- existent allegations.

In such circumstances, it is our duty to stand up stoically for the families and dependents of those who have sacrificed their lives for the nation, for the preservation of Rashtra Dharma. And concurrently there  have been many crucial moments which led to paving the way for a noble initiative, to bridge the gap. The result was HK’s decision of taking up the initiative of identifying  needy causes and establishing a connection with them.This time HK wishes to take up the cause of providing aid to victims of political violence and their family,aid and legal support to victims of Love Jihad and their family,underprivileged people, aid for those aiming for higher education. 

Once again, making a heartfelt appeal  to our readers all over the world, to contribute and bring about a positive change in these lives.We welcome any kind of support- a fixed monthly, quarterly or annual contribution (however small it be) towards our cause, so that the same can be channelized towards deserving people.

Requesting wholehearted participation, to set the cause moving.

If ready to support the cause,please email at [email protected] or leave your interest in the comment section below.


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