RSS stand on Kashmir Interlocutor’s Report, Differences in BJP, Growth of RSS

published on June 2, 2012

Kashmir Interlocutor’s Report: Flaying the report presented by three-member interlocutor team appointed by the Central Government, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) said that the move is a precursor of gifting Kashmir to Pakistan. While addressing a press conference at Nagpur’s Reshimbagh Sanghsthan organized for briefing about the Tritiya Varsh Sangh Shiksha Varg, RSS Saha Sarakaryawah Dattatreyji Hosbale further criticized the timing of declaration of this report by the Centre.     

Though the interlocutors had submitted the report much earlier, declaring this report at the time of spiraling prices and rising corruption is the deliberate and cunning attempt by the Central Government to divert people’s attention from Kashmir issue, said Hosbale.  

A careful study of the recommendations made in this report will reveal that these recommendations exactly contradict the policies that were adopted by the Government of India till now. Demand for self government by Mufti Mohammad’s PDP, National Conference’s demand for overall autonomy and demand for separate nation by Hurriyat groups have been approved indirectly in this report.

Hosbale expressed utter surprise over the mention of Pak Occupied Kashmir as Pak Administered one in this report by the interlocutors and raised doubt that whose language these people are speaking. He further informed that after an in-depth study of this report, Sangh will decide over its next mode of action.

Anna’s agitation: When questioned about the denial of Sangh’s active participation in Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption crusade, Hosbale said that it is fortunate about swayamsevaks to participate in every movement that is in the interest of nation. RSS respects Anna’s gram vikas work and the present anti-corruption agitation. Anna had also given his profound guidance regarding gram vikas at the tritiya varsh sangh shiksha varg when late Sheshadriji was the RSS Sarkaryawah. Two-three RSS meetings were also held at Anna’s Ralegansiddhi village. Hence RSS doesn’t need to prove or deny its role in Anna’s movement.

Sanjay Joshi issue: Journalist brethren were quite eager to toss Sanjay Joshi issue. Hence a jet of questionnaire was triggered from the side of journalists. Replying calmly to all the questions, Dattatreyji said that Sanjay Joshi was not an ‘issue’ at all from RSS viewpoint. It may be an issue for Bharatiya Janata Party. That is not our concern. If an RSS karyakarta goes to some other organization then the factors such as his responsibilities, utilization of his talent, etc are decided by that respective organization, not by RSS. Hence Sangh will not decide about what will be the position of Sanjay Joshi in BJP. Therefore it is not an issue for RSS. When asked whether Sanjay Joshi will return to RSS fold, he said that being a swayamsevak, Sanjay Joshi is free to join ‘Sangh Karya’ if he wills.         
Test of BJP: It has been alleged that differences prevail in BJP over proposed re-election of Nitin Gadkari to the post of BJP National President. When asked about this, Hosbale said that difference of opinion is a certain aspect of democracy. If there are no differences, you journalists talk of dictatorship! Hence differences do prevail and they are also expressed often. However, the prominent point is that once any decision is made collectively, whether it is accepted by all or not. And this will be the litmus test for BJP. Let us see whether BJP pass this test or not.

Growing success graph
: When asked about the decreasing number of Sangh swayamsevaks, Dattatreyji said that our perception is exactly reverse. This year, 1013 swayamsevaks have come for third year training camp whereas last year the number was 740. First year and second year training camps will be held at 71 places across the country this year. The average attendance in the camps held so far has increased by 20 per cent. At some places, even if the percentage has not increased, it has also not decreased. The newly constituted Arunachal Prant camp had 61 swayamsevaks this year.

Before this questionnaire, Sangh Shiksha Varg Sarvadhikari and Gujarat Prant Sanghchalak Dr Jayantibhai Bhadesiya highlighted the details of third year training camp.

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