RSS reacts strongly to HM Shinde’s comments, says ‘Comments are Dangerous & Objectionable’

published on January 20, 2013

New Delhi, January 20, 2013: RSS strongly criticized the comments made by Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde and said “comments incorrect & objectionable’”

In a press release from  New Delhi RSS headquarters, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh Dr Manmohan Vaidya said ” Home Minister’s comments are dangerous & objectionable’ “.

Earlier today, Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde  said at the AICC
meeting in Jaipur “Reports have come during investigation that BJP and
RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism. Bombs were
planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried
out in Malegaon. We will have to think about it seriously and will have
to remain alert . This has come so many times in the papers.It is not a
new thing that I have said today. This is saffron terrorism that I have
talked about. It is the same thing and nothing new. It has come in the
media several times,” the home minister said.To a question if it was Hindu terrorism or saffron terrorism, he said, “This is saffron terrorism (that) I have stated.”

Dr Manmohan Vaidya, Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh, RSS issued Press Statement in protest against this incorrect and objectionable comments.

 The comments made by Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde at Jaipur Congress Conference, using the word “Hindu Terrorism” is highly incorrect, objectionable and dangerous. We strongly condemn his statements. Terrorism is just terrorism, it cannot be associated Hindu or with any other religion. The case which was mentioned by Shinde, is still under investigation. His comment is an attempt to influence the proceedings of the case.

Congress has been issuing such statements to hide its failure in tackling the Jihadi terrorism. Government was not willing to take proper action on Akrabuddeen Owaisi in spite of evidences of his anti-national statements. Later the govt had to take action because of pressure from public and the court. Even though the Supreme Court has given death sentence to Afzal Guru, the Government is not implementing it. To hide such inaction, the Home Minister is issuing such political statements.

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