RSS-IT Milan’s Blood Donation camp at Bangalore

published on April 7, 2010

Conducted by
RSS – IT Milans, in association with Lions Seva Bharati Hospital


April 11, 2010, Sunday

9.00AM to 1.00PM

Lions Seva Bharati Hospital
Varthur Road, Munnaikolala,Marathahalli,Bangalore.

(While coming from old airport towards Marathalli, come over the Rail way bridge. Rohan Vasantha and Purvankara can be seen on left from the bridge. Take hair bend left just after the bridge is over and keep going along the service road. Take underpass on the left (below the bridge) which will leads to Munnaikolala village road. The hospital is on left on this road within 100 meters and can be easily noticed.)

By blood bank
Rashtrotthana Blood bank
(ISO 9001 certified)



Sanju (Kundalahalli)    – 9008966442         Raghavendra(Thippasandra)-9945242996
Vikas (LingarajPuram)- 9886766052        Sreedhar (Kaggadaspura)      – 9886508907
Sagar (RammurthyNagar) -9901893175
Raju Shejwadkar   -   98801 13724                       Ashish Kothari – 98805 88180

Kindly note:

• Rashtrotthana Blood Bank is one of the premier blood bank in Bangalore for more than 17 years of service and is catering to the needs of more than 10,000 people, yearly.
• The Rashtrotthana staff and doctor will ensure the safety of donor.
• Light refreshment/juice will be provided on the spot.
• First time donor can know his/her blood group. Every donor gets certificate.
• Please confirm your presence upfront for better arrangements. Email us at [email protected], [email protected]
• Volunteers and sponsors for this event are wel come.


1. Persons between the age of 18 years and 55 years.
2. Persons with a body weight of 45 Kgs and more.
3. Persons free from diseases like AIDS, Cancer, Jaundice, Malaria, Diabetes,
  Asthma, Heart and Kidney troubles, Hypertension or Anemia.
4. Men can donate blood once in three months and women once in four months.
5. Those who have -ve blood group, better not to donate in camps. They will be rare hence, enroll your name with blood bank so that, they can contact you in emergency.


1. Human body contains 5 to 6 liters of blood.  Only 350/ 450 ml (One unit) of blood will be received.
2. By donating blood new blood will be generated in the body which increases memory power and reduces cholesterol.
3. Half an hour after donating blood one can engage in normal daily routine works.
4. Blood will be collected after conducting necessary tests.
5. Disposable Syringes and needle are used.
6. Donated quantity of blood will be recouped within 24 hours and all essential contents of blood will be recouped within one week.
7. The pain will not be more than that of a prick of injection.

 For donating blood dos and don’ts:


         1. Take sufficient food and liquid drinks.
         2. Have a peaceful mind free from fear or anxiety.
         3. Do not consume liquors or medicines and avoid smoking

AFTER:  1. Take sufficient food and liquids
         2. Light refreshments and rest for a minimum period of 15 minutes is a must.
         3. Do not consume liquors until after 24 hours.
         4. If you experience giddiness keep your head in between the knees and lie down flat or sit down.
         5. After an hour you may do heavy duties or exercise or driving.

 Please note that,

Single Unit of whole blood can save one life whereas the same single unit of whole blood when separated into different components will be saving 3 to 4 lives. Moreover, patients are given the appropriate component needed according to their needs.

Donate Blood:- Its Life Line, Not Dead Line ….

“Live and let others Live “   — Bhagawan Mahaveer

“They only live who live for others. Others are more dead than alive” — Swami Vivekananda

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