RSS Akhil Bhartiya Pratinidhi Sabha Updates

published on March 16, 2013

Jaipur 15th March. Akhil Bhartiya Pratibidhi Sabhi was inaugurated by lightening the inauguration lamp by P.P. Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohanrao Bhagwat Ji and Sarkaryavah Bhaiyya Ji Joshi.

Speaking to the reporters in the press conference Sahsarkaryavah Shri Dattatrey Hosbole Ji told that there are about 1395 members participating in the Akhil Bhartiya Pratinidhi Sabha from all over Bharat.

In this meeting qualitative and quantitative progress of the work done and its impact on the society will be discussed in detail. Also the goals will be set for the coming year.
Last year Forum for Integrated National Security (FINS) took a wonderful initiative – Sarhad ko Pranam. About 6000 of our swayamsevaks participated in this initiative wherein they visited border areas of Bharat. They experienced the extreme conditions in which our defense personnel stand guard our borders as well as shared the experiences of our brothers and sisters who stay there.

Datta Ji told the reporters that this year is the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda ji and Swami Ji’s Sardhashati samiti is organizing various programs throughout the country. He told that on 12th Jan 2013, the actual birth date of Swami Ji, Shobha Yatra was organized all over the country. Lakhs of brothers and sisters from all age groups, caste and creed participated in the same.

This sent a very strong message of nationalism and Hindutva in the society. 18th Feb 2013 was celebrated as Mass Surya Namashkar day wherein more than 2.5 crore students from class 8th to 12th participated in the same.  A large number of Muslim and Christian students also participated in the program. It was organized keeping in mind Swami Ji’s ideology, “sound mind in sound body”.

Datta Ji told that there will be a resolution which will be passed at the end of the meeting. One of the key points of the resolution will be the plight of Hindu immigrants. 60 years after the partition of Bharat, from both East (Bangaladesh) and West Pakistan, even now lakhs of Hindus are taking asylum in the country because of worsening conditions of Hindus in the respective countries. Our resolution will demand that our Government should ensure basic necessities are provided to them and it should also come out with a concrete policy to deal with such immigrants.

A press statement will be released on the present scenario of the country including economical, security, terrorism, appeasement and various issues related to the rivers of the country.

Datta ji told the reporters that the plight of women in Bharat at present is a very serious issue and corrective steps needs to be taken on an urgent basis.

Returning of the dead body of terrorist Afzal Guru was made an issue in the parliament of Pakistan and a resolution was also passed in the same lines. Datta Ji strongly criticized this unwarranted interference by Pakistan in the internal affairs of Bharat. This clearly shows the double standards of Pakistan because on one side they refuse to take the body of Ajmal Kasab or other 12 dead Pakistani terrorists in the Mumbai terror attacks and on another they demand the body of Afzal Guru. Pakistan needs to put an immediate stop to this undue interference and should respect the law of the land.

Talking about Ram mandir at Ram Janam Bhoomi, Datta Ji told the reporters that even after the Hon’ble Allahbad High Court’s order which clearly states that there was a temple underneath the Babri structure, the Babri Masjid action committee refuses to acknowledge the same. This is the same committee which told that they will have no objection for construction of ram mandir if the existence of the temple before Babri Masjid is proved.

Various Dharmacharyas and Sant Mahatma passed a resolution at Maha Kumbh for construction of Ram Mandir and petitioned to the Government to ensure the same is done as early as possible.

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