RSS Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha – Resolution – 1

via VSK published on March 28, 2010



March 26-27-28, 2010



Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra : A Meaningful initiative for the

Protection of Cow WITH ITS PROGENY and Rural Development

      The Akhil Bhartiya Pratinidhi Sabha, while expressing its gratitude to the revered saints and dharmacharyas for the successful completion of the “Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra”, felicitates the public and various social and cultural organisations for the overwhelming response they gave to the Yatra. Today, when the entire world is deeply concerned over the degradation of the environment as a consequence of following the present concept of development, the Yatra has highlighted the need for the implementation of an alternative approach to development, based on eco-friendly and the cow & village centric model.

      The Main and Upyatras were conducted between 28 September 2009 and 17 January 2010 during which 4.11 lac villages were contacted. Meetings were held at 2.34 lac places, which were attended by 1.5 crore people. About 8.5 crore people, including the people of all religions and sects and several MPs and MLAs of various parties, have signed for the protection of cow and its progeny. This large signature campaign reflects widespread public response for the protection of cow and its progeny. The ABPS feels that it is a reminder to the Central and State Governments about their responsibility to protect cow and implement cow-centric village development approach.

      In view of the continuing exodus from villages due to the reasons like non-profitablity, health hazards and degradation of soil due to chemical based farming, scarce availability of water for irrigation purposes, lack of basic amenities like health care and education, the very first priority should be the development of villages. The government should immediately develop the facilities for quality education, health care, transport etc. for rural areas and create employment opportunities through cottage, small and village industries in the villages. A balanced cropping pattern, promotion of organic, natural and eco-friendly farming and harnessing the traditional water resources and renewable energy resources is the way to solve various economic and environmental problems through self-sustaining village model. Endeavour be made for the protection and coordinated development of our wealth in the form of land, water, forest, cow and other living beings. In this regard it should also be ensured that the area of agricultural land does not decline, so that the country remains self-reliant in foodgrains. Various products of daily use and medicines can be produced from ‘Panchgavya’ to augment the income of rural population. Likewise, the bio-gas and bullock driven power generators can take care of energy needs. Cow-centric village development can lead our villages to prosperity. Hence, research should be undertaken on this entire cow based science and technology, and it should be widely promoted and included in the academic curriculum.

In the last few years, several social activists and scientists in Bharat have made praiseworthy efforts in developing new ‘Panchgavya’ based products and farm instruments, in addition to the traditional products of ‘Gaushalas’. The positive results of these initiatives buttress the fact that the protection, development and improvement of Indian breeds of cow will be immensely beneficial. The ABPS is of the view that all such efforts need better coordination and consolidation on a wider scale. Some of the state governments have taken initiatives to promote organic farming, which need to be stepped up. The implementation of the decision of the Punjab and Haryana High Court to give grant to the gaushalas at the rate of per cow per day, will also be a right step to follow in the direction of protecting the cow.

      The directive principles of the state policy in our constitution have given explicit directive for the prevention of cow – slaughter and direct the citizens and State to protect the environment, water resources and wildlife as their duty and to have compassion towards living creatures. The historic decision of 2005 of the seven judge Bench of the Supreme Court, upholding the legislation by the Gujarat Government for total ban of slaughter of cow and its progeny, has reinforced the above mentioned constitutional directive. Today, several states have cow protection laws; they need to be made more effective and be implemented properly. The recent bill moved by the Karnatak government for cow protection is a commendable exercise to emulate. The central government should also stop subsidising the export of beef and ban its export alongwith imposing a total ban on cow slaughter.

      The ABPS categorically feels that it will be a gross violation of the public sentiments and the constitutional obligations if, inspite of the directive principles of state policy, the decision of the Supreme Court and the opinion of the general public as evident from the response received by Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra, the central and state governments do not fulfill their duty. The ABPS urges to the central and state governments to :

1. enact legislation for total ban on slaughter of cow & its progeny and take stringent action to prevent the export and smuggling of cows to the neighbouring countries,

2. declare the Bhartiya breeds of cow and their progeny as national heritage and take all possible measures to ensure the purity of these breeds,

3. immediately initiate steps for developing the various dimensions like the development of ‘Gaushalas’, indigenous breeds of cow and their progeny, bio-gas based and bullock driven power generation, organic and natural farming and ‘Panchagavya’ therapy, and

4. provide adequate facilities for education, health and transport in villages and develop village industries and renewable energy resources, ensuring soil and water conservation to make them self reliant and prosperous.

      The ABPS calls upon all the citizens in general, and Swayamsevaks in particular, to make the message for rural development and protection of cow and its progeny given in the Yatra, “proceed towards village, proceed towards cow, proceed towards nature”, meaningful by its active implementation.

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