RSS ABPS annual report

via VSK published on March 11, 2011

Rashtriya Swayamsek Sangh

Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha-2011
March 11, 12, 13, Puttur- Karnataka

Annual report presented by RSS Sarakaryavah (General Secretary) Sri Suresh Joshi

It is but natural to remember all those great personalities who awakened the spirit of affection, feeling of commitment to one’s duty and total devotion to goals and ideals dear to all of us; but who are no more with us.

Respected Kalidas ji Basu, a renowned legal luminary, a great pillar of strength for Sangh work from its inception in Bengal, one whose guidance through his incisive thinking in many difficult situations benefited our karyakartas has left us. Shri Shaligram ji Tomar, who nurtured A.B.V.P. for years in Madhya Bharat left behind his earthly existence after fighting many physical ailments since last few years. Prachar Pramukh of Nagpur city, Shri. Vijay ji Patki, whose father was a close associate of Parampoojaneeya Doctor ji, was seriously injured in a road accident. All efforts to save him proved futile and he departed from this world. A sunny personality with every ready smile, Shri Somasunderji who was vibhag pracharak of Andhra Pradesh, prant boudhik pramukh and looking after Sanskrit Bharati work currently was suffering from Cancer for some time. He has also departed from this world. Past Sanghchalak of Brij prant respected Krishna Sahay ji passed away at a ripe old age.

Former Sanghchalak of Delhi prant respected Satyanarayan ji Bansal, who played a crucial role in many social service projects, passed  away in old age after prolonged illness. Recently, Senior Pracharak Shri. Arvindrao Chauthaiwale, Seva Pramukh of V.H.P. departed us due to Sevier heart attack. Shrimati Sudesh Malik ji, karyavahika of Rajasthan region of Rashtra Sevika Samiti and Shrimati Usha Jain ji founder member of Matrishakti Seva Nyas of Agra founded under the auspices of V.H.P., also left for their heavenly abode in the past year. Resident of Vidarbha Shri Babasaheb Takwale, who was General Secretary of A.B. Kisan Sangh and used to guide farmers with his deep study of agriculture, had played a major role in growth of Kisan Sangh; as also senior swayamsevak of Jalandhar, Shri Balkishen Vaid who was also former Boudhik pramukh of Punjab prant, and Shri Satya Raju,Parampoojneeya Shankaracharya of Karveer Peeth (Kolhapur) Vidyashankar Bharati, who departed from this material world.  Shrimati Sumatitai Sukalikar, who had a special place in Maharashtra’s political life due to her highly respected words and actions, also left behind her memories and left us in this flow of time. former head of Sewa karya in Andhra are also no more with us. We always used to receive blessings for our work from

A great poet Shri Uttam Muley who had made a place for himself with his impressive writings in Dalit literature and contributed greatly to maintain harmony and co-operative spirit in the society; Shri Vamanrao Nimbalkar recognized as a creative writer also left this world. One of the best ‘shahir’ from Mumbai, Vitthal Umap ji completed his life’s journey on the stage at Deeksha Bhoomi, Nagpur itself while performing his play. Shri Prabhakar Panshikar who had carved a niche for himself on Marathi stage and gave pleasure to thousands of his fans in Marathi theatre merged back into the five elements. A rich voice that carried deep emotions that enraptured the hearts of millions of souls with his rich devotional songs, shastriya sangeet, great singer, Eternally shining Sun of music, Bharat Ratna Pandit Bhimsen Joshi left behind his musical voice for us and passed into eternity. Well known personalities of Gujarati music Shri Dilipbhai Dholakia ji also departed from this world. Highly energetic spokesperson for Swadeshi philosophy and life style, leader of Desh Bhachao movement, a person who could arouse unrivalled support for Swadeshi movement, Shri Rajeev Dikshit was snatched away from us by cruel fate in prime of his life.

Resident of Gorakhpur and former Governor, Shri Mahavir Prasad, top leader of Congress Shri Karunakarn, senior literature and former Chairman of A.B. Marathi Sahitya Sammelan, Shri Subhash Bhende; Founder of Sadvichar Parivar and an ever dedicated person to humanitarian work Shri Haribhai Panchal are no more with us. Famous industrialist of Gujarat, Shri Pranlal  Bhogilal who always used to support us in various activities and had earned respect due to his social activities; as also Shri Ishwarbhai Patel who worked in the field of sewa and social harmony with inspiration from Mahatma Gandhiji completed their live’s journeys.

These great souls are the ones who led an exemplary ideal life of purity and transparency even as they trod the self chosen path of duty, firm in their faith for the ideals for which they lived.

We shall feel surcharged with energy by simply remembering such noble souls. We shall never be able to see them again through our physical eyes. They shall always live in our memories.

We express our deep condolences for our brethren who departed from this world due to accidents that took place during Sabarimala yatra and natural disasters, or died due to violence perpetrated by terrorists and Naxalites, and we pay our homage to noble departed souls.

Overview of Activities

Sangh Shiksha Vargas were organized at 70 places all over Bharat between May to June 2010 like every year. Camps for Pratham Varsh (First Year) were held as per programmes decided by respective prants (states) and Dweetaya Varsh (Second Year) camps were organized at Kshetra (Zonal) level. Camps in South were planned on the basis of languages. Second Year training camps for senior swayamsevaks  were organized at four places all over Bharat, viz. Kanyakumari, Delhi, Ranchi and Vadodara.  Triteeya Varsh (Third year) training camp was held in Nagpur as usual.  There was no special third year training in the last year. This will be organized in the winters this year.

11556 swayamsevaks took part from 7230 places in the First Year Camps, 2678 swayamsevaks participated from 2087 places for the Second Year; 497 participants from 370 places for special Second year (for seniors), and 877 swayamsevaks from  788 places took part in Third Year training camp. 63741 swayamsevaks from 24530 places participated in the Prathamik  Shiksha Vargas all over Bharat.

Retired Chief Secretary of Assam state, Shri J. S. Rajkhowa, was the Chief Guest in the concluding ceremony of the Third Year.

As per information available, at present 39908 shakhas are active in 27078 places all over Bharat. Sangh work is also going on through 7990 Saptahik Milans (Weekly get-togethers) and 6431 Sangh Mandalis at different places in Bharat.

Critical analysis of quantitative aspect of Sangh work was done during the meeting of   A. B. Karyakari Mandal in Jalgaon in October 2010. There was constructive discussion about the causes of growth or lack of growth in different places. We have received information about some good experiments. It was felt that qualitative analysis should also be done along with quantitative analysis.

Tours of Parampoojaneeya Sarsanghchalak

The core message in the tours undertaken at Kshetra level by Parampoojaneeya  Sarsanghchalak was about ‘karyakarta’.  Interactive programmes with discussions and questions-answers  sessions organized by Sampark vibhag with renowned influential celebrities in small groups in Mumbai, Surat, Sambhajinagar, Bhuvaneshwar, Sambalpur, Dhanbad etc. proved to be great success.   A programme, called ‘Samvad’ witnessed the presence of 165 influential leaders from all walks of social life in Pune.

During the tours of other A.B. adhikaris under programmes organized at national level, constructive discussions were held about work among College students, growth at ‘Nagar’ level and quality of work.

Special Mentions

Ghosh Varg:

Training workshops or camps were organized at state level by Ghosh vibhag in some states. 2363 swayamsevaks took part at 13 places. National Ghosh Varg was held in Lucknow which saw presence of 298 swayamsevaks.

Nav Chaitanya Shivir:

A special camp was held for College students and other young swayamsevaks of Merut prant in Merut. There were 2247 participants from all over the state. The trainees had come from 644 places, 416 colleges and 89 hostels. Highlight of the camp was that there were 1061 new entrants. Programmes were conducted in such a way that they would arouse a sense of responsibility for the society and nation in the youth.  Camp participants expressed firm resolve about issues like Water management, environment, blood donation, eye donation etc. This was the achievement of this camp.  Karyakartas of Merut prant had begun preparatory work from July 2010 for this camp with various programmes to make this camp a big success.

Workshop conducted for College and University teachers in Punjab:

Special exercises were undertaken in Punjab to improve participation of College students and teachers teaching in colleges and universities in Sangh work. Small group meetings were organized in all districts and efforts were done to see that literature about Sangh is studied, and students begin attending local shakhas.

Poojaneeya  Sarsanghchalak’s programme was organized as a part of this exercise in October 2010 in Amritsar.  Many directors, vice-chancellors, deans, heads of departments and principals were present in this workshop to make it a success. Total number of participants was 248 and a plan for follow up action is in place. Mailing of e-bulletin twice a month has begun.

Vishal Sanchalan (Grand parade) in Malwa prant and other programmes:

Malwa prant had organized sanchalan (parade) programmes at district/vibhag level for extending its mass contact and expansion of Sangh work. Sanchalans (Parades) were conducted in 5 places in the prant that saw participation of 43600 swayamsevaks. Public programmes of physical drills were conducted at 3 places in which 2077 swayamsevaks participated. Winter camps saw 10387 young swayamsevaks’ participation.

Support to Narmada Samajik Kumbh by Mahakoshal prant:

A detailed plan was made for the entire prant to seek co-operation from society at large. Heads for districts, gatnayak pramukhs and gatnayaks were nominated. A programme was chalked out that each gatnayak would contact a minimum of 20 households and get support for the kumbh in form of one kg rice, half a kg of pulses and donation of One rupee.  This mass contact programme was undertaken in 27 districts of Mahakoshal prant in 214 places through 641 shakhas. In all 21593 swayamsevaks contacted 502674 families and collected 386 tonnes of food grain.

Special achievement of the programme was that swayamsevaks were able to invoke support from the families and households at different levels of society. As a follow up, plans are afoot to conduct workshops for introducing Sangh in small villages, inculcating family values through various programmes and Bharatmata poojan. Plans are also afoot to send greetings on the occasion of Varsh Pratipada (Hindu New Year).

Relief work for flood affected families in North Karnataka:

Floods in North Karnataka last year resulted in destruction of large number of villages and displacement of thousands of families. Relief material for 180 villages with the help of 2400 swayamsevaks was arranged immediately. It was resolved to build 1680 homes in 9 villages for rehabilitation under the auspices of ‘Sewa Bharati’. So far, 130 houses have been handed over in 2 Villages.  Handing over ceremony of houses in Sabbalahunasi village of Bagalkot dist. was done at the hands of Poojaneeya Sudarshanji in the presence of Shri Govind Karnol Minister of Karnataka state government.

Meeting for Social Harmony in West Maharashtra:

644 brethren from 66 communities in 11 places came together in West Maharashtra for Social harmony meetings.  These meetings were organized in the presence of A.B. Sewa Pramukh Shri Sitaram ji.  There was a special Bharatmata Poojan in Talegaon of Pune district on 26th January. It saw participation of organizations of different castes, linguistic groups and educational institutions. 1498 citizens participated in this programme.

His Holiness Shankaracharya’s programme in  Devgiri prant:

Missionary activities are going on for past many years in Navapur tehsil of Nandurbar district adjoining Gujarat state. There would be objections to any kind of Hindu religious programmes. A five day Padyatra of His Holiness Shankaracharya of Karveer Peeth walk was organized in such an area.  4000 tribal homes were contacted in 20 villages during this walk. Tribal get-togethers were held in 3 places.  Participation of matrishakti (Woman), in great numbers in these programmes was noticeable.

Kashmir Merger Day:

Public programmes were organized on October 26, the day on which Kashmir was merged with Bharat. 2491 programmes were organized in 2018 places that saw presence of 99380 women and 308708 men. Apart from this, programmes were also organized in 8917 shakhas at 7603 places in which 179809 young swayamsevaks and 72466 school going swayamsevaks took part.

Follow up action on Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra:

A national level three day conference was held at Kanyakumari for the organizations working in the field of Rural upliftment. 154 karyakartas including 27 sisters from 65 organizations participated in this conference.

In the same way, Akhil Bharatiya Gram Vikas Varg (National Rural Development Workshop) was also held at Deendayal Dham in Farah of District Mathura. 188 active karyakartas from all prants involved in rural development took part in this workshop. Poojaneeya Sudarshan ji was present in this workshop. Guidance from experienced experts on varied subjects like water, earth and forest conservation, environment, bio-diversity, cottage industry, village health etc. was received. Renowned Gandhian Padmashri Shri Kutti Menon ji was specially present in this workshop.

Meeting of Mahila (women) karyakartas of Sewa Vibhag:

A special meeting was organized in Nagpur to discuss the projects run by women karyakartas and for women. 127 karyakartas from 15 prants took part in this meeting. Ideas were discussed about an independent initiative to bring together and co-ordinate such women oriented projects. It was felt that some more activities also need to be taken up about various problems faced by women.

Dharna programme

Hindutva is being tarnished with terms like Hindu terrorism, Saffron terrorism etc. Efforts are also being made to drag Sangh into this controversy. Public resentment against this kind of politics must be exhibited; with this objective a programme was chalked out to offer ‘dharna’ in all the district centres of Bharat on 10th November. This programme was widely successful across Bharat though it was taken up at a very short notice.

Almost one million, to be more exact 10,58,438 citizens were present in 750 places for this dharna. Participation in big numbers by mothers and sisters, well organized and disciplined way the dharnas were offered were the highlights of this programme. Highest number of participation of 25000 citizens in Jabalpur. At a short notice, success of programme shows the feelings within the society about the subject. This programme has raised the self confidence of karyartas in a big way.

Press Conferences

A programme had been chalked out at the meeting of A.B.  Karyakari Mandal held in Jalgaon, to conduct press conferences at state centres. 3492 journalists were present in 224 places. Approach of media  to these press meets was positive. By giving requisite coverage to these press conferences, media has shown sensitivity and respect to the popular feeling.

National Scenario

Decision on Ram Janmabhoomi by Allahabad High Court

Decision handed down by Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court on 30th September is an acceptance of the faith and belief of Crores of Hindus. Legal system of our country has not only kept their feelings in mind but has based its decision on all the facts available to it in this regard, thus respecting the sentiments of the people.

Some vested interests had tried to generate a tense atmosphere before the ruling. But, restraint and calm that different communities and groups have shown after the decision was made public is in tune with the culture and traditions of this country. But, Hindu society desires that all sections of the society should come together to build a grand temple for Lord Ram and present an ideal example of amity and goodwill.  Enthusiastic participation of people in large numbers during the Hanumat Shakti Jagaran programmes conducted all over the country is an indication of this feeling. These programmes took place at 11467 places and attended by 63,78,680 people of which 21,22,669 were women.

Now, there is a need to pass a law in the Parliament with consensus of all law makers to clear the way for temple construction.


Thousands of innocent people, police and military personnel have been killed mercilessly during the continued Jihadi terrorism in last two decades.  National security is sought to be destructed time and again. Not only Bharat, but the whole world community is suffering from terrorism.  But, it is unfortunate that anti-Hindu forces in our country are trying to weaken the efforts to counter Jihadi terrorism by labeling the Hindu community as terrorist by citing a few incidents.

Instead of assuring security to patriotic Hindu organizations, holy saints and centres of faith of Hindu society, these people are trying to create confusion about these forces in the minds of common people. With a selfish urge to remain in power or capture power, policies are being framed to pander to some communities while closing eyes to the anti-national and terrorist forces. So called leaders consider Hindu organizations to be even a greater danger than the elements fomenting Islamic terrorism. They are not even shy of sharing such views with foreign powers.

But, we are sure that Hindu society can see through this conspiracy. It will foil all such attempts to manufacture falsehood and create confusion, and will co-operate wholeheartedly with the efforts towards nation building in future.

Worrisome situation in Jammu & Kashmir

A consensus regarding complete and final merger of Kashmir with Bharat has been arrived at many a times since 1947, but situation in Jammu-Kashmir remains a cause of worry.  Infact, the root cause of Jammu-Kashmir problem is weak and indecisive policies of the central government. We have not been successful in achieving integration and sense of oneness in social, mental, economic and  political sense in Jammu-Kashmir as we have done in other states of our country inspite of providing grants worth lakhs of crores of rupees for various projects and plans, sacrifice of more than one lakh innocent citizens and thousands of jawans of police and army during last 63 years.  Various political parties are strengthening the forces of separatism directly or indirectly to fulfill their vested political interests. Conspiracy to remove all Hindus from the valley by forcing more than 4 lakh indigenous Hindus to run away from Kashmir, armed incursions from across the border, open support by ISI and terrorist commanders of Pakistan to leaders of active separatist organizations and training the youth, providing them with arms etc.; are all forms of undeclared war against Bharat. Having failed to fulfill their objectives through terrorism, they have changed their tactics now. Agitational terrorism is but a new form of terrorism.

Anti-national forces are striking their roots deeper with time. Separatist forces are engaged in anti-Bharat propaganda by organizing seminars in capital city of Delhi and other cities.

The real truth is that these anti-Bharat agitations are limited to only 5 out of 22 districts of Jammu-Kashmir. Gujjars, Bakarwals, Shias, Kashmiri Sikhs and Pandits, various refugee groups in Jammu, Dogras, Buddhists and nationalist Muslims are not part of this separatist movement. But, atmosphere being created all around is as if entire Jammu-Kashmir wants to secede from Bharat. Actually, less than half of the population from only 14% of the state’s area is part of this agitation. By using women and boys to throw stones at security forces anti-national groups spread across Bharat are trying to create an atmosphere with the help of media as if all the citizens of the valley want independence or ‘azadi’.

Negation of complete merger of Jammu-Kashmir with Bharat by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, claiming Jammu-Kashmir to be a disputed territory, creation of such an environment by interlocutors of the Centre  and open support to them by Central government and Congress leaders indicates that separatists, State and the Central government have embarked upon such a path to strike some agreement. It is difficult to imagine what kind of pronouncements would have been made had Indian Army and other nationalist forces not exerted pressure. Terming Jammu-Kashmir as a political problem and reversing its merger that began in 1953 when Dr. Mukherjee sacrificed his life and Praja Parishad conducted a historic agitation;  there are now talks about formulae of autonomy, self-rule etc.

Bogey of ‘Human Rights violations’ is being raised by citing a few incidents. It is extremely important that morale of Armed forces is kept high by maintaining their special powers. This is the only way that security of common people would be assured.

It is call of the times that strong action be taken against separatist elements and nationalist forces be strengthened. People in different states of the country must pressurize state and central governments in an organized manner. This is the only way that unity of the nation would be secured. Jammu-Kashmir should also have the same sense of unity with Bharat like other states. Keeping in mind the activities across the border, only solution to achieve this is abrogation of article 370, system of separate constitution and separate flag be scrapped and treating it like any other state. The right solution to this problem is to establish a sense of one country – on people – one nation.

Atrocities on Rabha Hindus

Incidents that took place on the first day of Christian New year near the border areas of Assam and Meghalay are a pointer to us about the dangers that we would face in future. Garo and Rabha communities are living together for many generations with cordial relations. They celebrate their festivals and follow their traditions happily together. Both the groups have been staying together respecting each others’ sentiments and respecting each other’s faith and beliefs. With increase in conversions to Christianity and a large section of Garo tribes converting to Christianity, there is a widening chasm between Garo and Rabha tribes.  With failure to convert people of Rabha community to Christianity these differences have widened further, resulting in an atmosphere of intolerance. Despite this Rabha community had been co-operating in the programmes organized by Christian missionaries. After Meghalaya got the status of a State, political influence of Garo community became stronger, resulting in increase in Missionary activities. This is the reason behind current atmosphere of confrontation, violence and terror between Garo and Rabha people. Combined efforts of separatist elements, Bangladeshi infiltrators Muslims and some political leaders have generated a situation of conflict. This is the atmosphere that led to the horrible incidents in the initial weeks of January.

Conflicts between Dimasa and Karbi, Dimasa and Jemi in the past few   years  are a manifestation of activities of such anti-national forces. Violence of January 2011 reminds us of such incidents that took place earlier too. So called secular lobby is only exposing its pseudo-secularism by turning a blind eye to these facts.

Meghalaya government does not have courage to get to the root of the issue and is trying to pass it off as a result of misunderstandings. Nearly 30000 Rabha brethren from 30 villages have become homeless. There is an urgent need for their permanent rehabilitation and security.

Hindus have faced serious security concerns wherever they have become a minority in North East.  Assamese, Bengalis and Hindi speaking groups have been forced to flee from Shillong region of Meghalaya  earlier too.  They have been forced to live their lives as refugees in other states since last 13 years. 40000 Riyangs, who follow their own faith, were also forcibly displaced. It is critically important to defend the traditions and faiths of various tribes in this region.

Corruption: A Challenge

Various studies expose the terrible extent of corruption. Increasing consumerism has led to lust for self-aggrandizement, resulting in urge to accumulate wealth through unethical and illegal means. This is the root cause of this problem of corruption.  There is a strong tendency to misuse constitutional positions. We are witnessing devastation of constitutional system due to this mentality. Unfortunately, there are question marks about the safety of the people who are opposing this and trying to clean up the system. It is extremely important that there should be serious thinking by the policy makers of the nation, economic experts and social thinkers about the effect on fiscal system and economic stability resulting from black money and corruption and methodologies to create a healthy system. Serious efforts must be made to bring back illegal wealth stashed away in foreign lands.

Increasing support from the common people to agitations being organized by different groups and organizations gives us a clear indication about the public opinion in this regard.

Positive signs of Hindu awakening

Maa Narmada Samajik Kumbh

Maa Narmada Samajik Kumbh took place in February 2011 in Mandla. This Kumbh has manifested extra-ordinary power of the society. Maa Narmada Samajik Kumbh was organized to awaken the people against social problems and efforts to weaken the Hindu society. This festival saw participation of 415 different scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and 400 other social groups from 4000 villages of 1179 tehsils from 336 districts. It is estimated that nearly 30lac pilgrims took part in the Kumbh during these three days. Presence of Revered Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati ji Maharaj, Revered Satyamitranand ji, Sadhvi Ritambharaji, Revered Asaram Bapu and many other saints and sadhus made this kumbh a great success. Other important dignitaries like Parmpoojaneeya Sarsanghchalak Shri Mohanrao Bhagwat, Chief of Rashtra Sevika Samiti Vandaneeya Pramilatai, Chief Ministers of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Shri Shivraj Chauhan and Dr. Raman Singh were also present in this programme. The highlight of this festival was the co-operation of common people and the state government for this programme.

Vishwa Sanskrit Pustak Mela (World Sanskrit Book Fair)

Prestigious Sanskrit institutions came together to organize Vishwa Sanskrit Pustak Mela. This fair was conducted with the help of 14 Sanskrit Universities,  National Sanskrit institute, Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrit Pustak Prakashan Sangh and Sanskrit Bharati etc. from 7 to 10 January 2010. This is the first time in the chequered history of Sanskrit that such a programme was organized.

128 publishers exhibited their publications at this fair. Specialty of this fair was that only Sanskrit books and books about Sanskrit were show cased.  12 lakhs books worth 4 crore were sold in this period of 4 days. 4 lakhs people visited the fair. An exhibition titled ‘Gyanganga’ (Traditions of Bharatiya Knowledge) was a major attraction of this fair, and left even well versed citizens in awe.

7146 delegates from 26 states and 12 countries were present in the fair. 310 Sanskrit books were released on this occasion which was a record by itself.

Vishwa Sangh Shivir

Vishwa Adhyayan Kendra organized a camp in Pune from 29 December 2010 to 3 January 2011 in Pune, that saw enthusiastic participation of 330 brothers, 152 sisters and 35 children from 35 countries. Shri Jagdish Shastriji who had initiated the Hindu organised work outside Bharat was also present in the camp. Discussions were held about status of Hindus staying outside Bharat, spreading and publicizing Hindu Sanskriti, organization of Hindu conferences at different places etc. Delegates were also given information about various types of activities being conducted in Bharat. Concluding valedictory public function was held in the presence of famous industrialist Shri. Abhay Firodia and Shri. Bhausaheb Chitale. Parampoojaneeya  Sarsanghchalak ji addressed the august gathering. 15000 distinguished citizens participated in this function. Brethren from overseas enjoyed the cultural programmes presented by local groups and a  drama titled ‘Shiv Rajyabhishek’ about coronation of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.


We undertake a critical appraisal of our Sangh work even as we review the current social and political scenario from time to time. This is how we traditionally work. Keeping in mind the challenges that we face and expectations of the society, we have to increase our velocity and strength in a sustained manner. It is necessary for us to keep focus on strengthening our organization and systems and increasing the strength of our karyakartas.

Here we recall the words of Parampoojaneeya Sri Guruji. He had said, “World today understands only one language – language of strength. A nation can progress and maintain its position only on the basis of strong foundation and immeasurable strength. We must proceed on this path of duty with great effort with this sentiment. Even an ordinary person can be completely successful in attaining one’s goal in life with this resolve.”

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