RSS – A New Era

published on September 5, 2009

Every RSS chief (Sarsanghachalak) has his own different level of contribution to RSS and sangh parivar. So, New chief means start of a new era for RSS.

Whenever RSS name crops up, different sets of people, with different opinions come forward. Whether one likes it or not, every socially active and responsible person is connected to RSS or Sangh Parivar (whether he loves or hates RSS). .

1) RSS Swayamsevak (Cadre or Volunteer )
:- This group of people always stand with RSS in any situation. Volunteers spread sangh to every corner of the world and to newer heights of service and sacrifice. Swayamsevak is neither a bounded cadre nor a blind follower. He is a socially aware and responsible citizen. Their dedication is with the nation and not even with sangh. Thus, this group became one of the most prominent influencing force in the society.

2) Neutral Citizens:- This group is socially active and consider him or herself responsible to society. They try to  segregate the good and bad forces that influence to society. This group is in majority and always tries to stand on positive side of the society.

3)      Basher or Critic: – This group is vocal but divided into two sub groups.

a)  Talented and Good observer:
– This type of critics are like a boon to any organization or person. They speak bitter truth as feed back. The bitter Feed back which is required for growth of an organization. They can be termed as positive critics.

b)  Blind Bashers:-
This group has their own perception of things. They don’t want to stand up for the truth nor with some thing good. They use freedom of speech in criticizing others or pulling the rug under their feet. This group can be termed as negative critics.


By the grace of god, RSS comes across many people of all three groups.

Now questions arise:-

Why is RSS so important to the society, nation or even world?

Why should I know more about RSS?

What should I do to take a clear stand about RSS?

RSS, in terms of pure numbers 40 lakh + active members, 50000+ shakha , 1.5lakh + social service projects, influence many top organizations of every field. The full time volunteers include doctors, engineers and many such highly educated. You can understand by numbers that no one can be out of the influence of RSS.

Coming to ideology, RSS is known for Hindu ethos like Vasudhaika Kutumbakam (all world is one family). RSS puts up a strong fight against all divisive forces in Hindu society like untouchability, dowry, sati etc. RSS stands for one powerful nation.

In respect of practical implementation, RSS follows the dictum “Untouchablity is a sin”. RSS helped governments in wars. It even worked with Catholic Christian organizations keeping the social welfare paramount.

So no one can ignore RSS. RSS and swayamsevaks will influence society immensely. So it is important to keep a close watch on growth and path of such an important organization. Growth and contribution of such a huge and influential organization in positive direction is the need of the society.

Change of Era:
– In past RSS had a view that rather than reaching people in mass, communicate with people through small shakha programs or through sawayamsevak. One reason was influence of Blind Bashers on media and negative criticism by some section of people. As a consequence, RSS was labeled “Secretive Organization” among neutral people or positive critics. This label never hampered work growth or volunteer force but it confused the independent viewer’s mind.

However, new era has come up with new policies. Current RSS chief (sarsanghachalak) P.P. Mohanrao Ji Bhagawat started putting in youthful energy to communicate with all types of people. RSS is known for bottom up approach, where ground cadre work first and then leaders make statements. But with changing societal dynamics, where media has a lot influence on the society; RSS also customized its interactions. For internal matters of Sangh bottom up approach continues. For external matters, top leadership adopts top to down approach by projecting the ideas to socially aware and active people through media or public meetings.

Change of era can be seen by programs listed below.

1)      New RSS chief given a series of interviews to media houses for putting RSS view on many issues in front of the public.

2)      New RSS chief is going to address public rallies and cadre meetings in about 40 places till February, 2010. ( This is a regular visit of RSS chief to all pranths )

3)       Mumbai will see a mass gathering of RSS cadre and general public on 20th September ’09. Here RSS chief will speak on all relevant issues and sangh approach. This meet is taking place after a successful one in Chennai.

4)      Every meeting is followed by press conference and interactive gatherings of prominent people of society.

5)      RSS is making every information of sangh work available in video or text format on its website ( or  encouraging the independent initiatives of its members ex:-

So, if you are in Mumbai , it is a golden opportunity on 20th September ’09 to know more about sangh. If you are Swayamsevak, then it is a direct massage. If you are neutral and want to take a stand then it is a golden opportunity to know what is RSS from RSS chief himself. If you are a positive or negative critic, then also this is a golden opportunity to know the direction of RSS for the future.

* All figures shown are from RSS website (latest upload), other are writers personal views.

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