Rewrite constitution!- A salvo of travesty from DMK.

via B.R.HARAN published on January 21, 2007

The Tamil Nadu government, through the Governor’s address, has urged the Center to rewrite the Constitution. The main point forwarded by the government in the Governor’s address was that the aspirations of the backward class people & the minorities have not been considered properly, so far, since independence. The government’s allies have also welcomed the suggestion in the name of the so-called social justice. It is clearly evident that the recent Supreme Court’s verdict on the ‘Ninth Schedule’ has caused the government to resort to this call.


 The members of the constituent assembly were more intelligent & trustworthier than the present bunch of self-centered politicians, and they have framed the constitution considering genuinely the aspirations, social & economical status of the poor & downtrodden and also the concerns of the minorities.


 If at all in the last 60 years, the status of poor people remains the same, the onus & responsibility squarely lies on the politicians, who have done nothing for the people, but only for themselves. The primary & secondary educations, improvement of educational infrastructures in rural areas, improvement of health & hygiene, have all been neglected after independence, especially in the last two to three decades. While on one side, the poor remain as poor, on the other side, the so-called forward communities are compelled to migrate to outside the country due to the denial of respect for merit.


With regards to ‘minorities’, while the Christians, Parsis, Sikhs & others have improved their status both socially & economically; it is only the Muslims who have created a scenario, as if they are still backward, for which the blame solely lies on the Muslim Clerics for keeping their community away from the main stream and they just cannot blame the establishment, because, the Constituent Assembly has given a lot of priorities for them in the name of ‘secularism’. It would be better for the Muslim community to come out from the clutches of their religious clerics and join the mainstream by accepting things like common civil code, etc.


If at all the champions of social justice are really interested in uplifting the poor & downtrodden, why cant they constitute a committee for reviewing the reservation policy & quota systems, which have been in vogue for the last 60 years? Why they are not accepting for the exclusion of ‘creamy layers’ from the purview of reservations? Why can’t they accept ‘economical status’ as criteria for reservations, irrespective of the caste denominations? Will they agree to make public all their wealth & assets? In such an eventuality, can they justify their demand for rewriting of Constitution? The Constituent Assembly, while framing the Constitution, had a sole objective of “Eradication of poverty & casteism”. Will the present players of caste politics and the present champions of social justice accept that they have failed miserably in achieving that objective?


The Tamil Nadu government has also forwarded another point of increasing the ‘powers’ of the state government, which is nothing but the age old ‘pet project’ of DMK called “State Autonomy” (‘Maanila Suyatchi’ in Tamil). Every time when DMK comes to power in the state & joins the government at the center, it used to revive its slogan “Alliance in center & Autonomy in state” (‘Madhiyil Kootatchi – Maanilathil Suyatchi’ in Tamil). This always used to remain as a political stunt, but this is the first time the party has asked for rewriting of the Constitution.



 The TN government has opened a ‘Pandora’s box’ by this dangerous suggestion, which will soon be welcomed by the other regional satraps such as Lalu, Mulayam, Paswan, V.P.Singh, Nitish, Communists, et al, in the name of social justice, resulting ultimately in the detriment of the country. This attempt to meddle with the Constitution should be nipped in the bud.


On the contrary, if the suggestion turns out to be a political gimmick and remains within the Governor’s Address to be forgotten later, it would be good for the country.

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