Resurging BJP

via V. Shanmuganathan published on April 30, 2010

BJP, under the leadership of Nitin Gadkari, organised a massive rally on 21st April 2010 in New Delhi against the rapid rise of prices of essential commodities. People appreciated the rally because BJP made it as a major political event with a huge mobilization of people. The arrangement of reception, stay, food, and Function was also done to the maximum satisfaction of every state unit.

Behind this successful achievement there are thousands of Karyakarthas who involved themselves completely with the mission and meticulous planning and execution. Sri Om Prakash Kohli, Delhi Pradesh President, explained it with an emotional involvement. This huge rally was really a challenge to our hard work. Parking arrangement for thousands of Buses and other vehicles on the various entry points of Delhi and receiving the delegates was the first important task. Delhi was very hot due to summer. We distributed 30 lakh water pouches to the people in their places of stay, Ramleela Maidan and Parliament Street. One Thousand Chaultries, community centers were booked for staying accommodation. Grand function with an excellent mike and audio system was arranged. Each and every detail of the work was carried out very efficiently. So people were very happy about the arrangements.

People in large numbers from all the four corners of the country came with great enthusiasm. I personally met Sri M. R. Gandhy, who came from Kanyakumari with a good number of people. Bangalore sent two special trains. Sri Tapir Gao, Ex-M.P. from Arunachal Pradesh was happy about the participation of 151 youths from his state. Many people came from Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura and North East. The biggest number came from U.P. Delegates numbering 97000 participated from the whole of Uttar Pradesh.

Effort at the individual level was also very impressive. Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal, Lok Sabha M.P. from West Champaran, Bihar started his arrangement from February itself. He personally met atleast 2000 people and motivated them for their individual participation in the Delhi Rally. He made arrangement of food, stay and vehicles in Delhi. He took special care and attention on every delegate.

In the same way, Sri Rakesh Singh, M.P. from Jabalpur arranged a special train with 12 sleeper coaches and 16 general compartments as well as other modes of transport, Roughly about 3000 people came from his constituency.

Dr Virendra Kumar, Member of Parliament from Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh is well connected with the farmers, labourers and workers. He brought more than 3000 people from his constituency. Thus, it is the collective work of all karyakarthas at different levels that made the rally victorious. This people centric BJP Rally has highlighted the sufferings of the common man due to neglect of agriculture, food scarcity and price rise.

On the whole, the Karyakarthas have involved themselves with commitment to their cause. Their enthusiasm, hard work and dedication is the real source of strength for BJP. Now it is up to the genius of the leadership to channelise the energy and see that the fruits of their hard work benefit the mother land.

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