Resolution about the 2014 elections passed in the second ‘All India Hindu Convention’

published on June 9, 2013

Ramnathi, Goa, 8 June (from Vidyadhiraj Hall) – During the deliberations held on the subject of ‘Measured to be adopted during the 2014 General Elections’ during the All India Hindu Conventions, the devout Hindus from all over Bharat present for the Convention unanimously declared while passing the resolution that the political party which gives chance to anti-Hindu, anti-national and corrupt forces, will be strongly opposed and that party which give priority to the interests of Hindus in their manifesto will be supported. We will form a Vote-bank of Hindus and make all the political parties that appease the minorities for their votes realise about the majority Hindu strength. Our new slogan will be – ‘Jo Hindu hitka kam karega, vahi deshpar raj karega !’ (Only he, who works in the interest of Hindus, will rule the Nation).

While reading the resolutions, the national spokesperson of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Mr. Ramesh Shinde said, we will make our own manifesto and send it to the political parties. Hindus should vote only those parties who will include it in their parties manifesto, and after the elections will agree to act accordingly, or else resign. Let us send the message across, to all the political parties that we may not be able to ensure victory to a candidate in elections; but we can certainly ensure his defeat. This will make the political parties aware that the Hindus are getting awakened and are making demands in the interest of the Nation and Dharma. This energy itself will take us to the ‘Hindu Nation’. Whoever comes to power, the struggle for Hindu Nation is inevitable. Muslims and Christians are making grand preparations. Hence, Hindus too should be cautious.”

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