Reminding Newton’s Third law to those Pseudo Secularists holding an Exhibition on Kandhama Riots

published on August 23, 2010

Pseudo Secularists holding an Exhibition on Kandhama Riots

Press Release –

Pseudo secularists and Christian bigots have once again come together as part of their ongoing Hindu bashing  – this time headed by  All India Christian Council and self proclaimed social activist Shabnam Hashmi.  John Dayal secretary general of All India Christaian Council has conceptualized this Hindu bashing through a Khandamal Riot Photo exhibition titled Hamwatan which was opened on 22/8/10 in New Delhi.

For Javed Aktar  who inaugurated the event the incidents in Kandhamal is a “Shame” but he did not comment on the murder of Swami Lakshmanananda which triggered the aftermath. We need to logically assume that  murder of the revered Hindu monk is a “pride” for these anti Hindu elements.

No sense will prevail among these fakes and any attempt to address them with reality will be futile. Only let them remember the Newton’s 3rd  law of motion “ for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

It will be also interesting to quote from the life of Swami Vivekananda – His conversations on Christian  terror….
…….Often on Swami’s lips was the phrase, “They would not dare to do this to a monk”….At times he even expressed a great longing that the English government would take him and shoot him. “ it would be the first nail in their coffin” he would say with a little gleam on his white teeth  “ and my death would run through the land like wild fire”…..

Swami Vivekananda in the West – New Discoveries His prophetic Mission
Published by Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati.
By Mare Louise Burke. Vol.1 – Page 34

Its upto to the Christian extremists to decide their fate…….don’t event dare to repeat this..if not as Swami Vivekananda warned them…Hindu anger will  run through the land like wild fire….

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