“Religion of Tamizhar”: An International Conference is a camouflage or subversion of Hindus?

via Vedaprakash published on August 21, 2008

Less publicized or silent “International conference” in Chennai

: Almost the same Christian figures were there on the dais on July 3rd, 2008 when the multi-crore `mega movie on mythical Thomas” was inaugurated. At that time, there was a lot of publicity, tom-toms and drum-beating with the print and electronic media coverage. Even Super stars were dragged in to add luster. But, now the same Christian figures were on the dais, but sitting along with Saiva-Vaishnava-Buddhist-Islamic believing heads! Thus the so-called “International Conference on the Religion of the Tamils” was inaugurated at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, 25, Rosary Church Road, Santhome, Chennai – 600 004 on Thursday evening (August 14th, 2008). Though, as per the printed invitation, the function had to start from 5.00 pm, it started by 6 pm.

The program printed was as follows:


Prayer Song

Rev Fr Maria Jayarajan SJ

Rev Fr Dr John Robert


Tamil Invocation


Welcome Address

The Most Rev Dr D Lawrence Pius

Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Madras – Mylapore


Lighting of Lamp


Presidential Address

His Grace The Most Rev Dr AM Chinnappa SDB

Archbishop of Madras – Mylapore


Inaugural Address

His Eminence The Most Rev Varkey Cardinal Vithayathi C Ss R

President – Catholic Bishop Conference of India


Key Note Address

Prof Dr Deivanayagam

Founder, Soulology of the Tamils



Thiruvaduthurai Adheenam

Thavathiru Muthukumaraswamy Thambiran Swamigal                                 

Rev Dr Fr Felix Wikfred

Prof & HOD Emeritus Department of Christianity



Nawab Mohammed Abdul Ali, Prince of Arcot

Rev Dr M D Thomas MST

Secretary, Commission for Inter-Religious Dialogue – CBCI

Sriperumbudur Thavathiru

Varadha Ethiraja Jeeyar Swamigal

Rev Fr Eucharist

Commission for Inter – Religious Dialogue Archdiocese of Madras – Mylapore

Bikku Dr V M Mourya Methapaul

Member of Minority Commission, Tamilnadu

Dr Chellappa IAS

Secretary, State Government of Andhrapradesh


Vote of Thanks

Dr D Devakala

Coordinator, Solulogy of the Tamils

Master of Ceremonies

Rev Dr A Susaimani OSM

Vicar – Provincial, The Order of Servants of Mary

However, there had been deviations:


Pius (6.10 to 6.15 pm)

: (He started explaining the theme of the Conference). “People may ask – Is there any “Tamil Religion?”[1]. The conference organized was not to emphasize the separate identity of the Tamils[2] through religion, but organized only for religious harmony based on the principles of Vatican Council – II, that recognizes the divinity in every faith[3]. Accordingly, Christianity wants to have dialogue[4] with non-Christian faiths. Earlier, at a particular period, Christianity might not have respected[5] the other religions, but now it wants dialogue. Now the conference is going to show as to how the “Tamil Religion” reflects other religions.”

He then requested the archbishop and others to light the traditional “Kuthu-vilakku”, a brass-lamp of four feet with holding five-tongued wick-carrier and oil. Only Christian religious leaders were invited to light the five wicks – one by one. Why the other religious heads were not invited? It was glaringly visible as could be noted from the expression of the audience. It was also an intriguing factor to note that why the Christian religious heads wearing sporting “Chandanm” (Sandal paste)[6] on their foreheads!

AM Chinnappa gave the inaugural speech (6.15 to 6.28)

: (Though he meticulously called the names of Christian leaders sitting on the dais, but addressed others as “the dignitaries sitting on the dais”. He explained why they decided to conduct the conference. He revealed that they themselves were having different views about it – discussions, misconceptions, arguments. In fact, they had “quarrel” also[7]). He explained: “But ultimately, they decided to proceed with, as there are certain common elements in all religions – say the concept of – god, soul, body, life after death, forgiveness etc., which could  believers come together. There are modern electronic gadgets which now bring people together – say cell phone. Internet brings people together.

“Then why religions of God[8] cannot come together? Why all “One God believers” could not come together? Why “One God, one people” cannot be achieved? In Vedas, we find such verses that, “The truth is one, but sages say it differently” reciting the sloka[9] – Ekam sat bahudha vadanthi! He cited the other famous sloka also – “Akasham pathitham thoyam, yata gatchathi sagaram. Sarvadeva namaskaram, Kesavam prathi gatchathi” = Rain waters pour from the skies, flows into different forms – rivers and so on, but ultimately join together and flow into ocean and become one entity.

“We Catholics[10] have a mandate[11] in this regard. God has given mandate to the Catholics. Articles 2 and 5 of the Vatican Council – II specifically mention that Church recognizes “divine light” in every religion. Why these “divine lights” could not come together?[12] Similarly, wherever there is truth, Catholics are ready to recognize it.  There should not be any discrimination within the religion, people, language etc.”

Release of Souvenir (6.28 to 6.30)

: A souvenir was released and the first copy was received by Mohammed Abdul Ali.

M. D. Thomas (6.31 to 6.47)

: (He spoke in English). His speech was mentioned as key-note address: “I find that the concept of Vatican Council – II is realized here[13]. The Government of India recognized “Tamil” as the ancient language[14]. As the Council recognizes truth in other religions, as government recognizes Tamil, we conduct conference on the theme. Thus, the conference is seen as the fulfillment in the Jesus Christ! Here, I wish to place some ideas of the Pope when he came to India in 1986 in the context[15]. We expect the Inter-religious dialogue would achieve. The Christians are exalted for the promotion of spirituality of other religions[16].

Tamil is the oldest language[17] and Tamil culture is the mother culture[18] of all civilizations. The scholars are going to prove it in the conference. Tamil civilization originated from the IndusValley and spread to other parts of the world[19]. The conclusion of the conference may reach out the world. With this message, I inaugurate the conference.”

Mohammed Addul Ali (6.47 to 7.05)

: “Salam Alaikkum. Wasalam ……………..Mohammed…………..“, which is Islamic salutation to others. Islam says that when you meet people, you should say like this. AM Chinnappa personally visited[20] my house to invite me and I accepted his invitation. Tomorrow, I am going to Mecca and Media. I will pray at Ka’ba and I shall pray for all of you. There is no doubt that there is only one God. Hindus too know that there is only one God and it is called “Brahma”[21]. Only later, many gods were introduced[22]. We are all children of Adam and Eve. We need not worship as there are billion and billion of Angels to worship God.

“Now Islam is branded as religion of terrorism[23] and this is only western propaganda. Islam is not the religion of terrorism. There are miscreants in every religion[24], but we do not hold the whole religion responsible for their acts. Islam means submission to God and, we Muslims submit to God. Just because of few Christians do mischief, we do not say Christianity is the religion of terrorism. Similarly, if some Hindus do misdeeds, we do not call Hinduism as religion of terrorism. Why then Islam is branded as the religion of terrorism? Why the terrorist acts of some Muslims is taken to be that of the whole religion – Islam? If al-Jihad, al-Quida, al-Umma and others are carrying out terrorism, they are the terrorists and not all Muslims[25]. There is conflict and misunderstanding in the world ans myths floated about Islam. The west misleads people with vested interest. Terrorism affects every nation and it has to be condemned.

“Tamil language has been there for more than 5000 years. I am not a Tamilan. I am a pure Arabian<span lang="EN-US" style="

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