Reject the “rightwing” label

via blogindu published on March 14, 2010

The first thing Pro-Hindu Hindus need to do is to stop identifying themselves with the nefarious “right” and “rightwing” labels.

The label “Rightwing” usually means being:
— anti-environment
— against giving a helping hand to the needy/poor
— un-supportive of equal rights to all
— intolerant to other faiths or lack of faith
— being anti-science and anti social evolution
etc, none of which describes Hindu values, and are, in fact, the exact opposite of Hindu values.

Also, not being “communist” doesn’t make you “rightwing” either. What exactly is communism anyway? You think the erstwhile USSR and China were “communist?” No, they’re both authoritarian and sort of oligarchic one-party rules. One precept of communism is “centralized planning,” but that has nothing directly to do with being pro-Hindu; in some areas, limited central planning can and does help, and in other ways it can and does hurt, and Hindus probably carry a broad spectrum views on this.

Hindus, who are generally hard workers, can’t be called anti-labor, and so that angle doesn’t make us “righwing” either. Economically, being pro-growth isn’t rightwing either, as long as you support things like worker rights, good public education, free healthcare for the poor, etc, which most Hindus do support.

Hindus and other Indians contributed a lion’s share to our presently extant human civilization, want the human society to advance in positive and peaceful ways, and want our species to function in consonance with nature. That’s the opposite of rightwing way of thinking.

Integral Humanism is what describes pro-Hindu “ideology” if one were to call our way of thinking an ideology.

I am a Proud Pro-Hindu/Pro-Humanity/Pro-Peace/Pro-Progress/Pro-Science / Pro-environment  Hindu, and I firmly reject the “rightwing” label.

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