Real Time Mumbai Attack Documentary

published on July 26, 2009


Suketan Parikh for write up

Chanel 4 for the Revealing Documentary for Video Upload

The video is a must see for all concerned. The gunmen, the Islamic terrorists whose every step is guided by control room in Pakistan were surprised at the opulence of Taj Hotel much like Gazni Mohammed thousand years back of Sri Krishna’s temple in Mathura. And exactly like their illustrious predecessor, notwithstanding the admiration, killing and burning began. And today India’s textbooks and leaders inlcuding Jawaharlal Nehru in his Discovery of India praise Gazni as admirer of architecture. Their contribution to ‘composite culture’ is hailed. Give few more years and we will have a similar tribe hailing the terrorists for uplifting the down trodden through punishing rich and well heeled in luxury hotels in Mumbai.

The whole thing was purely an Islamic enterprise is made clear by the army of righteous, which is what Lashkar e Toiba means. Every time killing of ‘unbelievers’ is encouraged, does not matter women or children. Of course most h oly of the holy acts was to kill Jews-who were found in Nariman House where not so rich Israelis of a Jewish sect that believes in pacifism stayed. Again at the command of Lashkar’s control room in Pakistan, the hostages were gunned down.

The whole episode is not with out heroes and some of them were ordinary people. For instance the nanny who saved young Moshe , 2 year old who was crying at the dead bodies of his parents. She went with him, since she is the only familiar face for the urchin to Israel and is hailed rightly as princess of Egypt who saved young Moses of yore. And then there are any number of soldiers and police who laid their life down like Unni Krishnan for instance who paid with his life while fighting and covering his colleagues.

Then there are also traitors-who collaborated and directed Terrorists to targets but still remain hidden and unknown todate. And then there are likes of Antulay, the minister in center and home minister in Maharashtra who deliberately tried to divert attention from Moslem terrorists and their handlers in Pakistan by bringing Hindus to blame. This line is duly picked up by enemies of India in Pakistan and Communist China who till to date peddle the whole episode as work of India-Israel conspiracy.

Finally the warning of army of righteous ought to be remembered and acted upon by the powers in charge in New Delhi- Lashkar said that what has happened was only a trailer , the real movie, the film is yet to begin. They may well be right- with just 10 young men a nd with guns and grenades they successfully held the entire city hostage for 3 days. And what if 10,000 of such who can easily sneak in given the collaboration they can elicit amdist those who hail composite culture and take extraordinary steps to divert and digress attention, come with not just guns and grenades of ordinary explosives but with radio active materials and nuclear suit case bombs?

If what happened at Mumbai was any indication, then immediately the highest authority in government in New Delhi will rule out any military action and New York Times will praise extraordinary restraint of India while Pakistani establishement will blame every thing on ‘stateless actors’ while calling for dialogue and peace process, sends a lengthy questionaire which will be dutifully answered by Government in New Delhi. Thus the real movie or film Lashkar promised may have same ending . Or may be just may be, as the adage goes, best laid plans of mice and men oft to go awry. So it may well be Lashkar will end up fighting with its own handlers in Pakistani army. Such fall out in is not new-seeds of destruction are built amidst all evil. We are now witnessing such phenomenon-in ongoing fight between ‘sword arm of Islam’ which is what Pakistan army calls itself and the ‘students of Islam’ which is what Taliban is and the latter like Lashkar was creation of same army.

Our best20hope is in the latter outcome because we cannot count on leaders in New Delhi who required lot of persuasion even to pay respects to Kargil’s heroes, Indian soldiers who literally fought an uphill battle and won. Initially the 10th anniversary of it was dismissed as mere army exercise and no leader planned to mark the event with their august presence. But obviously wiser counsels prevailed and PM and Defense minister did attend a ceremony in Delhi. Well , let us hope that similar wise counsels prevail and action be taken before the promised movie by Lashkar starts.

This is the documentary made by UK’s channel 4 on the terror strikes in Mumbai.It is really shocking and unbelievable.

http://vimeo. com/5409826

Channel 4 – Dispatches (June 2009) – Terror in Mumbai

Channel 4 – Dispatches (June 2009) – Terror in Mumbai from Mskadu on Vimeo.

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