Rats are scared of naming the Cat

via K Vijayan published on September 23, 2011

Pronob fingers Poll Cheat in True Mogul Darbar Style

The UPA boat is more than just over-loaded with crooks, criminals and traitors. The Good Seven Biblical Years of looting, murder and arson are over and the Seven Bad years of (Soul) Harvest Failures, Famine, Flood, Pestilence and earthquakes has started. So the Imported Captain of the ship has now ordered the ship to be abandoned and is now throwing the Crew one by one into the sea – Tihar.

The Honest First Mate is also about to be taken off by helicopter manned by Seals and evacuated to safety. But still the fight for the First Mate’s to-be-vacated seat is on, and Pronob is fingering Poll Cheat.

And even at this stage the rats are scared of naming the Cat.

Remember the old nursery rhyme?
‘Rub a dub dub
Three men in a tub
The butcher the baker and the candlestick-maker –
Turn them out knaves all three.’
Name your choice for the three.

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