Ram Sethu: Massive Protest Rally in New Delhi

via Press Release -VHP published on March 4, 2008


: Rameswaram Ram Setu
Raksha Manch organized a large vehicle rally in the National Capital against the
recent affidavit filed by UPA Govt. in Supreme Court against Ram setu.

A Large number of Ram Bhakthas ride on
around five thousand vehicles have taken part in the Rally, which started from Ramleela
Maidan at 10.00 am. The Rally concluded at Rajghat and Public meeting was
convened after the Vehicle March.Rally was lead by the Convener of Manch Shri
Rastra Prakash and Central secretary of VHP Shri Rajendra Pankaj

Addressing the gathering International
Joint Secretary of VHP Shri Champatray told that by filling the affidavit
before SC, THE Govt. have not only questioned the existence of Ram Setu but
clearly repeated it’s earlier affidavit denying the Historicity of Lord Ram  

Shri Om Prakash Singhal , VHP state
president said that Govt. cleverly avoided two questions of our Honourable
court that ‘Why Ramsetu could not be declared as a National Monument? And ‘When
other five routes are available why it is adamant to Destroy Setu?’

RRSM leaders Shri Kuppuraman, Ram Sharan
Jindal, Bajrangdal leader Ashok Kapoor, Rashtriya Sikh sangat leader Sardar
Ujagar Singh, Shri Brij Mohan Sethi of Seva Bharathi and other Senior leaders
attended the protest meet.  

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