Rajeevan’s convoluted logic

via H Balakrishnan published on January 25, 2010

Dear Sir,

Reading a posting in one of my favourite blogs by Atanu Dey, I was taken by his introduction to one of his postings!! It went as follows: ” One of the perils of reading newspapers in India is that you are exposed to some rather mindless nonsense”. It holds equally true, in the present context, to the ‘mindless nonsense’ purveyed by the ‘commie’ T.P. Rajeevan in his
The Good Lord Needs No State Intervention ” – (i-witness – TNSE – 24 JAN)

Not for the writer the ‘spiritualism’ of the pilgrimage to Sabarimala of the Ayyapa Sasthas. This ‘secular worthy’, is ignorant of the differences between Sanatana Dharma and the Abrahamic ‘creeds’. They differ in the essentials, in their orientation, approach, temper, their concept of deity and man. Sanatana Dharma is about ‘Man’, man at his deepest, his ‘Self’ or ‘Atman’. The Abrahamic ‘creeds’ are about deities externally conceived. Sanatana Dharma is essentially ‘Mystical’, while the Semitic religions are ‘credal’. In mystical religions, God is the innermost Truth of man’s own being – ‘Ahom Tva Brahmosmi’ -ethical action (Dharma) is the natural expression, Truth is experiential and is open to all. In the Semitic creeds, God is conceived externally, ethics are ‘Commandments’ from an external agency. As Gore Vidal put it: ” A barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions
have evolved: Judaism, Christianity and Islam”. And, this is precisely what Rajeevan fails to understand and imbibe, resulting in the ‘secular waffle’, that is all too common in India !!

In context to Rajeevan’s ‘waffle’, here is Dr.David Frawley’s Foreword to (late) Shri Ram Swarup’s latest ” Hinduism and Monotheistic Religions”, Voice of India, New Delhi: ” No one criticises a Christian or a Muslim for praising their particular religion. It is only the modern Hindu who seems to have lost that self-respect, even though his tradition is far more grandiose and comprehensive.”

In his essay, ” Secularism: A Bogus Issue in the Indian Situation ” (pp-102 in the book referred above), Shri Ram Swarup wrote: ” Today secularism has become a profitable business. It has attracted all kinds of shady characters.Even more than patriotism, it has become the first and last refuge of scoundrels of all descriptions”. Thus, we have Rajeevan waffling about Lord Ayyappa being a ‘secular God’ – whatever that means?!!

Ram Swarup in the same essay wrote: ” In his book, ‘My Eleven Years with Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed’, Mr.Fazle Ahmed Rehmaney provides an interesting case which throws great light on the psychology of secularism. During the Emergency Days, when members of the Jamat-e-Islami were put in the same jail as the memebers of the RSS, the former began to discover that the latter were no monsters as they were made to believe by the ‘nationalist’ propoganda; therefore they began to think better of their Hindu brothers. This sent alarm into the heart of their secularists and nationalists. Maulvis belonging to the Jamait-ul-Ulema-e-Hind met the President and reported to him about the growing rapport between the leaders of the two communities. This ‘stunned’ the President and he said that this carried ‘ominous future for the Congress Muslim leaders’. He also promised that ‘he will speak to Indraji about this dangerous development and ensure Muslims remain Muslims’. ” (pp-108)

But, in Rajeevan’s convoluted logic, Ayyappa is ‘secular’!! Therefore, ‘Guruvayurappa Sri Krishna’ must be ‘communal’!!Q.E.D.

Marxist Logic !! JAI HO !!


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