Raja rants on Loop Partners, but that is no silver lining

via K Vijayan published on July 25, 2011

Other than saying that Raja is a Dalit his DMK Boss and yellow-shawled patron did not lift a finger to help him.

He has an alibi for Accomplice Batcha “Suicide”, but other Partners are too BIG to be “terminated with extreme prejudice”. What can a Raja Rat do under the circumstances except rat on his accomplices?

Tamil Nadu’s Only begotten daughter Cunny’s Good Behaviour, and the introduction of Madrassi Cuisine in Tihar is no great consolation. The Noose is tightening around many, many necks, though the Stars as on date are only Raja and Cunny, and given the Choice Papa Doc and his Party have opted to root for Cunny and dump Raja – along with all other number twos charged.

Who wants to be the Number One Star in Tihar, particularly when, as has been claimed by the cognoscenti, 60% has gone to Mamma Roma, son, sisters and son-in-law in bite-sized, untraceable dollars, rials, liras, and thirty percent to Cunny & her Appah? Kamadhenu (or Kalpatharu if you wish) cannot be sold for a lousy 10% like Highways Engineers.

There are still two priorities left for this Gang of Thieves & Traitors –

1) To get Mamma Roma, her ill-gotten wealth, and her Family out safely.

2. To protect the Interests of enemy nations and pseudo-friendly nations who have been sold substantial access to the country’s communication systems, as well as Security, Finance and other sectors.

Manmohan and Poll Cheat may squirm, wriggle and try spraying Skunk Perfume all over the place, particularly against the 85% Innocent Aam Aadmis of India, but they are de-facto & dejure as culpable as Raja.

They were not, and have not been appointed as PM, FM/HM only to loot the nation, shirk responsibility and shield Momma Roma.

If they do not resign they may have to be subjected to a “surgical operation”.

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