Rahul Gandhi stands exposed

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on December 20, 2010

Rahul Gandhi’s tete-a-tete with Timothy Roemer at the dinner given by the PM on 20th July 2009 has come into the public domain and naturally has stirred the hornet’s nest. The statement confided in private to the US ambassador by Rahul is no longer private that Hindu radicals are a bigger threat to India than the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba.

First- Rahul Gandhi seems to shoot his mouth off whenever he utters something. But this time it is not something to brush aside as the utterances of a greenhorn-or the revelation of his stupidity and incapability of understanding the nuances of India and its ethos. This is a serious statement made by a first time MP to the ambassador of the USA .

It amounts to a security threat. How is he empowered to make such statement? It is 200 percent not true and the USA must be amused at his own ignorance-for the USA must be having its own intelligence inputs. This is the unprincipled leadership of which it expressed in reference to Mrs Sonia Gandhi. Rahul must list out the number of serial blasts that the Hindu extremists were involved in and the numbers of serial blasts the Islamic terrorists were involved in.

Second-It is a serious issue and Rahul cannot get away with it .The Congress spokesman Manish Tiwari has immediately made two counter points-:one that everything is politicized by the BJP and that we must not forget the sacrifices –(two assassinations) made by the Rahul’s family.(By the way I cannot understand why Feroz’s grandson and son  are  always being referred to from their  matriarchal lineage.)

This needs to be answered because the issue is not about sacrifices but about the anti-national statement made by Rahul Feroz Gandhi..The Congress cannot cover up his pro-Pakistan stand by changing the terminology or phrase from Hindu radicals to right wing extremists and still spreads it out to both majority communalism and minority communalism. It is not great knowledge to say that threats from minority/majority communalism are a danger. Is this great intelligence revelation or learning input?

The Congress can pass any number of resolutions but cannot cover-up now what Rahul Feroz Gandhi shared with the US ambassador.

Third-Just pause for a moment and think what would have been the reaction of the great ‘secularist’ Congress party had this statement been made by one of the BJP leaders? All hell would have broken loose and he/she would have been branded anti-national, a security threat etc. Cases would have been registered and probes conducted to further delve deeper into this Pro-Pakistani stand. The same must be extended to Rahul Gandhi. He must remember that this nation is not for sale and neither is it going to be sacrificed at the altar of vested interest of the Congress. Such a thing would happen over the dead bodies of every single patriotic Indian-be they Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Jains et al.

Fourth-Another important dimension is: he was saying something entirely opposite to what the PM has been saying-namely that cross border terrorism and the Maoists are the great to threats to India . Please note that Rahul Gandhi’s statement to Timothy Roemer was made  8 months after the 26/11 Mumbai blasts in which the L-e-T has been charged. The case is still on and Headley’s confessions clearly fixed the culprits. Now Rahul Gandhi absolves Pakistan and throws everything to the wind by accusing Hindu extremists as greater threat to India . He has subsequently stated that he stands by it. Then he has to prove it. He cannot be just hitting around simply because he is a zero as far as garnering votes are concerned and wants now to sweep the Muslim votes into the Congress kitty. But by his anti-national stand he needs to be charged sheeted for treason.

Fifth-That Rahul Gandhi and his mother are all out to demolish the Hindu outfits  to appease the Muslims this has been apparent right from the beginning.Vote bank politics as it is termed. To reinforce this Rahul Gandhi wants the demolition of Babri Masjid to be tagged as a criminal act. Let’s grant it, then his father-Rajiv Feroz Gandhi need to be charged for the criminal act of getting the Masjid’s locks broken. First let that be done and then the demolition criminal act can be taken up .Posthumously Rajiv Feroz Gandhi need be indicted and charged. You cannot have both-same yardsticks must be applied. The whole demolition was a sequence to the breaking open of the locks of the Babri Masjid.

Sixth-To get back to Rahul Gandhi’s fear of Hindu radicals being a bigger threat-one must realize that Rahul Gandhi is obsessed with a division in his head. It is always a great divide-the rural India and the urban India -the poor India and the rich India -this is an extension of that divide phobia from which he suffers. He and his mother are polarizing the nation on the basis of religion. It seems to flow from desperation. The Bihar electorate showed the Congress where it belonged-right at the bottom-out of 243 seats contested to win just a 4 is shameful and is the first of its kind in electoral history. RG is the second General Secretary, (Digvijya Singh the first )of the Congress party to be aiming at the Hindu terrorism. Early P.Chidambaram mentioned the ‘saffron’ terror-since then there has been only Islam terror so PC has like a snail withdrawn into his shell. All terrorism are threats-that’s not only for India but over the globe A relevant point o be noted here is that the L-e-T has the support of the Pakistani army this makes all the difference and if RG was unaware of this dimension then he is not worth to be discussed at all and is irrelevant to be in politics. Yet he goes about garnering youth power….

The Congress party may line up a number of big mouthed and at times foul mouthed spokespersons to defend Rahul Gandhi but they will fail miserably because people are not fools and know what it means to say that Hindu radical terrorism is a greater threat to India than the L-e-T, this clearly becomes not just anti-Hindu but pro Pakistan . RG cannot escape the consequences of this and people will realize the danger this mindset of his poses for national security-nay for the very country’s existence. Rahul Gandhi stands exposed.

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