Rahul Gandhi in his new Avatar

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on May 23, 2015

Rahul is anti-Modi and hence everything he sees of Modi is anti this and anti that. According to him Modi is anti farmer, Modi is anti fishermen, Modi is anti poor. Does he want us to believe that he is pro-farmer, pro-fishermen and pro-poor. Then why is it that in all these years when the UPA was in power little had been done for the poor? Why is it that farmers were in distress then and farmers committed suicides? Suicides by farmers are not a new phenomenon. It started long ago during not only the UPA-1 and UPA-2 but even during the period when the Congress was in power. It is easy for Rahul Gandhi to stoke up the distress of the poor for garnering votes. But it will be short lived. He has a lot against Modi –that ‘Modi visits foreign countries but does he come to visit you and share your distresses. This is what RG asks. But he forget that Modi is the Prime Minister of India and it is his duty to strengthen the ties of this country with other countries .He needs to be the ambassador of good will and cajole other countries to share and be partners in development It is his duty and business to establish strong ties with other countries .Can Modi be going to the various States and visit the farmers?

Why has Modi to showcase India and her development? Why has Modi to encourage other countries to invest in India ? This brings us to the land acquisition question. Rahul Gandhi forgets that more than 42 percent of the farmers are marginal and small farmers. There is under employment and unemployment. Too much pressure on the family small holdings and hence the families send their children to the cities for jobs. The bit of land to farm is left with the parents to irk out whatever they can what with the weather being inclement with rains in season and out of season. A look at the poor in India will reveal that the majority of rural youth have migrated to the urban areas. If land is not available then how will industries and infrastructure be developed? How will the unemployment be tackled? How will schools and health centers be raised? How will jobs be created? How will unemployment be tackled?

 So we require land to make the rural poor credit worthy. For this  one needs only to have a look at the rural areas and the rural  poor and one will be able to gauge the plight they are in. Yet Rahul Gandhi for his personal ambition reels out stories to them. It is easy to deceive the poor and keep them poor. Yes land is gold under your feet he says. This is because he has learned from his brother-in-law that land bought will in a couple of years augment to ten times the price at which it was bought. So what should be done? Keep the land and wait? Till then how will it fill the starved stomachs? Have the rural poor the capacity to wait. Even if they wait there will be a big difference between the price of the land when sold and when utilized after a couple of years. Rahul Gandhi is either naïve or he is hell bend on misleading the rural poor-because he is anti Modi and he hardly understands this country.

Take for example his constituency-Amethi.He represented it for the last ten years. This is the period when he and his mother were in power at the Centre-Does not matter Man Mohan Singh who was only a lame duck.This was the period when he could walk into the Prime Minister’s office and demand things.When he had the audacity to tear an ordinance which had his mother’s green signal-his unconstitutional act he did when the PM was in a foreign country. What kind of a person is Rahul Gandhi then to fault Modi now? Amethi was the pocket borough of the Gandhis Why had he not implemented the Food Court -which today he is crying over and blaming Modi for it.This is revenge he says. What revenge. What prevented him from doing whatever he could in the last ten years. Now he wants the Modi government to sanction it and do everything to see that it works. Why should Modi go out of his way to please RG? For his failure to kick start the food court in his constituency. RG on the other hand was evading the issue-he was hardly seen in Parliament he ran away from his duty. Why had he not questioned the UPA government for failing to allowing his pet project-making potato chips! For each and everything he finds fault with Modi. This is why I say that he is anti Modi and suffers from Modi phobia.The result is he even utters falsehoods and misleads the people as well as Parliament. Who is to take him to task for his false statements and misleading the people of Amethi?

It is easy for him to say that he shares the pain of the Punjab farmers because according to him he is poor. So after his return from his enlightenment in a foreign country he rushes to dry their tears and conveys their pain to Parliament. Do we need a rejuvenated RG to do this? All this ‘tamasha’ is because he cannot now walk into the PM’s office and command to do this and that. When he could do that what did he and his mother do? When farmers were committing suicides where were they? He wants to keep repeating that he is  for the poor and his heart bleeds for them His great grandfather also said that and so did his grandmother and his father. But what we witnessed in the country is that poverty was growing at an alarming rate under the Nehru- Gandhi dynasty. RG can keep repeating that he is pro-poor. These are mere words. He does not understand what it is to be poor. He was born rich-brought up in luxury and lives in luxury. On the other hand Modi knows what it is to be poor and hence he is pragmatic and does not want to deceive them with short cuts for votes. Rahul Gandhi can afford to have his b’days abroad, can afford to run away from Parliament (without even informing the Speaker which he is obliged to) and get invigorated in a foreign land. Return strengthened and to prove this he must show a new aggressiveness after his new avatar –his born again in may be Bangkok .

Where was he all these years? His mother heads at least half a dozen of Trusts and she along with him utters a lot of falsehoods-example- the minorities are unsafe in India . How true is this statement? (She is a Christian-I suppose) and then why is she in India- this unsafe country. Do we need her advocacy? Even before she came to India as a daughter-in-law, India had its multi-religious and multi-lingual people living in peace. Let her leave the minorities of this country to take care of themselves. It is the political Opposition-namely the Congress which abets communalism for its own vested interest. By uttering such falsehoods the Opposition especially Mrs Sonia Gandhi tries to paint India in a communal color. This is easily picked up by other countries and the foreign media- as though there is no discrimination and communalism in other countries. Are the minorities safe in Pakistan ; in the Middle East in Bangla Desh. What is happening in Myanmar and Bangladesh -why even in the USA . There is racial discrimination, killings, persecution and what not. So compared with the population proportion India seem to be at the bottom of the chart in human rights violation and yet the Congress under Mrs Sonia Gandhi makes it look as though India is one on the top.

It is easy for Rahul Gandhi to mouth slogans which his backroom boys script. Hence we have suit- boot-ka sarkar.What is wrong with the suit and boot. It seems that in his myopic vision he just cannot tolerate seeing Modi so well groomed and so out reaching. Which neither he nor his mother nor their Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh could do. It is sheer envy and small minded ness that makes them hit at Modi.We the born Indians(not born Italian or half Indians) are proud to see our Prime Minister hold his head high and stand with such great confidence in the foreign countries. He makes us proud.

What Rahul Gandhi-his mother-because she was the de facto PM could not achieve in ten years they demand of Modi in just one year.First task was to revive the paralysis that the government suffered under them-then to enable it to stand up-it need to be strengthened.This is not an easy task. When it comes to the poor one is tempted to ask what happened during the time of Nehru-Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi. How was land taken? In fact Nehru even wanted the farmers to be forced to give up their land. But then Rahul Gandhi know so very little of Indian history and what he knows is a warped skewed  version of this countries past He cannot learn this in Bangkok or else where. Yes, why is it that RG did not take his sabbatical in one of the villages with the poor. He should not be given any addition services. Just one of the poorest villages he must live and then talk of the poor. Now he lives in luxury and mouths hollow words. He shares the distress of the poor…in what way? Just by mouthing such words?. He is simply ignorant of the economics of the country and the dynamics to make the country prosper. No wonder neither he nor his mother with Man Mohan Singh failed and failed miserably. Now to cover up that they have to fault Modi in all his efforts which are Herculean? For RG everything is a play-just a past time. He is what he is not because of his hard work or efforts but simply because he was born in the Nehru-Gandhi family. And he and his dynasty coterie think that only the Nehru-Gandhi family has the right to rule this country .Ask Mani Shankar Iyer for his comments and opinion. The latter told Modi that he can never dream of addressing the nation from the Red Fort. He suggested that Modi can go and serve tea to the AICC. Such arrogance is what the sycophants of Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi are made of.

Modi proved that in a democracy one can raise up to be the Prime Minister of the country through sheer hard work. That is what democracy is all about. But then we have the electronic media with Bhurka Dutta,Sardeshi and Arnab Goswami to show this country as communal. Fake incidents of rape and church burglary,if miscreants throw stones at a church are all enlarged to make it look that minorities and their places of worship are unsafe. This is far from the truth. Even ghar Waspsi is debated as though all minorities are reconverted. What if so? Can the Christians –evangelical churches, the missionaries convert large sections of the population? Then why can’t the Hindus reconvert. So the best would be to stop all conversions to wards this Parliament must enact a Bill to ban all conversions. But that is being opposed pointing out it is the Fundamental Right of people to opt for a religion of their choice. So when the choice is Christianity then it is fine but when they opt to become Hindus then it is wrong and the Fundamental Right evaporates…

One has only to listen to the channels in which the above mentioned three investigate and interview Their bias is easily discernible. Of course Arnab Goswami does not allow any one to speak. He shouts and gesticulates as though he is speaking from an election platform. All this brings us to the first premise that it is a set up stage in support of Rahul Gandhi in his new avatar For he  and his mother  are both anti-Modi and the media goes out of its way to support this.

It is in this connection that one has to welcome the banning of a few NGOs.China does not have NGOs.What business has the NGOs in Indian affairs? If one goes by history-the past and the last ten years of Congress regime it can be emphatically stated that the Congress is the mother head of all our distress-our problems(remember the partition of India)our poverty and our backwardness. It has vested interest in these and hence pauperized the populace. It was only a slogan shouting party-from the 20 point program, the Garbi Hatoa to the IRDP, NRGEP,the Minimum wages program, the Hill area Program, the Desert area program et al. There were any number of programs but all this only worsened the plight of the farmers, the fishermen and the rural poor. It abetted their distress –we now reap what the Congress had sowed for the past 50 years. It takes time for Modi to undo all this and to bring out the government from the ICU and strengthen it for a better and robust governance. Rahul Gandhi must learn not only the history of this country but also the history of his family …he must shed his anti-Modi stand- this is what made him refer to Modi as ‘your Prime minister’ to the Treasury benches.

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