Quattrocchi saved at the cost of the Nation

via Press Release published on June 11, 2007

New Delhi:The UPA Government’s mission to “Save Quattrocchi” has succeeded at the cost of the nation. Failure to extradite the Italian fugitive is nothing but compromising national interests to please first family of the Congress. Facts emerging from the Argentine fiasco confirm the malafide intensions of the UPA Government.

BJP seeks explanation from the Government on two counts. One, why Mr. SK Sharma, who is director Prosecution in CBI on deputation from Law Ministry, was sent to Argentina despite his spurious legal view that the case does not exist against Quattrocchi? Second, How all the govt. file notings of this case were passed on to counsels defending Quattrocchi?

It is shocking that the defense council presented the Argentina High Court all the papers and opinions available only in secret files of Govt. of India. This include opinions of Solicitor General Milton Banarjee, Shri Datta, Shri Pathak besides Mr. SK. Sharma himself. This confirms our apprehension that here was a Govt. trying hard to “Save Quattrocchi”, who was described by many as “Criminal in-law”.

The BJP demands enquiry by sitting Supreme court Judge in the Argentine fiasco.

The Government’s attitude to save Quattrocchi was visible right from the beginning. First the Govt. did not allow CBI to file appeal against the High Court Judgment holding nobody guilty. Second, in case of de-freezing of Quattrocchi’s Accounts, the UPA’s Law Officer Datta kept CBI, a prosecuting agency in dark. He mailed CPS of UK that there exists no case without informing CBI. Mr. Datta exceeded his brief. All this resulted in defreezing Quattrocchi’s Accounts while, the CBI should have really trailed the 7.34 m $ paid to Quattrocchi’s A E Services by Bofors.

The country cannot forget that there was written contract between A E Service and Bofors mentioning clearly that A E Services will help Bofors getting contract before 31st March 1986 and the deal was done on 24th March 1986. The nation also remembers how 13 top secretaries and ministers cleared this file in one single day. The country also knows the relationship of the fugitive and the first family of the Congress. The verdict in Argentina is the result of Govt.’s all out effort to save and not to nab Quattrocchi.

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