Psychological warfare against India

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on October 18, 2008

As we go about our daily lives, we tend to focus mostly on our immediate surroundings and ignore much of what happens beyond. Perhaps we must do so, if we are to free our mind and to avoid being overwhelmed by events seemingly beyond our control.
India got independence in 1947 after centuries of Islamic invasion and Christian colonialism. India is physically free, but Indian mind is not free. The Indian social, political, educational institutions and the media are still controlled by anti Indian subversive groups. The world media is bombarding us with information to psycho program Indians. The Indian media and the pseudo secular political institutions are indoctrinating Indians to be submissive zombies.
Yes, we cannot ignore present psychological warfare against Indians for long. It keeps our mind in slavery and it touches our families, our friends, our communities. We are mentally enslaved and misdirected to act as subservient to our enemies. We are discriminated, insulted, subjected to humiliation and deprived and enslaved. We need to understand, why such events happen, why anti national political leaders rule India, why psycho programming occurs, how they touch and shape our lives, and what we can do about them.
We dance, sing, watch movies, play, pay taxes, remember and reminisce and cry tears of joy and sadness. But these personal part of our lives is set by our enemies which we have no control. Our mind act like a pre-programmed computer. Our mind, our families, communities and our nation is under constant attack by the mindless media, Jihadi terrorists, merciless missionaries and bogus intellectuals and anti national politicians. India is under constant attack from within and without.


Jihadi terrorists from Pakistan and Bangladesh have flooded every corner of India. Missionary
 mercenaries are busy converting innocent Hindus and enslaving them with anti national political ideology. Meanwhile millions of people are bombarded with false propaganda against traditional culture and their all inclusive philosophy. Many are in deep denial and apathetic in facing challenges. They accept, tolerate and endorse corrupt politicians and cultural vultures. Brainwashed Indian zombies accept unyielding ideology of foreign vested interest groups that shackle their mind. Profound social changes are taking place in India in politics, in the economy, in education and in the media that will enslave Indian mind permanently.
We take these psychological warfare and subsequent mind game for granted. In the long run, Indian citizens could not live as freemen if we did not develop the ability to question and dismantle anti Indian social structures, organizations, political groups and institutions created and sustained for enslaving our mind. Our enemies influence, shape and design our personal existence, and social conditions.
We need to break the thick wall of our denial, negation, apathy and indifference. We need to liberate our mind, control our social and political structures and eliminate the deadening political institutions that enslave our mind. Our dreams of freedom and fulfilment must inspire, motivate and direct our assertive action strategies. We need to develop and put into practice liberating tools to regain our freedom and to develop our potentials by all means necessary.

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