Prostitution of secularism by Congress

via KSV SUBRAMANIAN published on June 29, 2008

The Congress chief minister of Kashmir Gulam Nabi Azad says that


.the deeply secular
traditions of Kashmir people can go on.

blah blah blah.

What is
so called secular tradition of Kashmir ?

Ethnic cleansing of the Hindus
living in Kashmir by killing, a driving them out of Kashmir is the
shining example of such secular tradition No.1.

Shouting anti-hindu and
anti-Indian slogans against allotment of about 40 acres of land
Amarnath Shrine Board is another secular tradition of Kashmir.

Pressurising Amarnath Shrine Board to return the land is anothing
example of Congress time of secularism.

 Taking over the functioning of
the Board to conduct the Yatra is just another form of Secularism of

What the congress thinks of the Hindus. Some kind of fools ?

cannot fool the hindus all the time.

They have prostituted the word
secularism to the extent that it now connotes anything anti-hindu.

after surrendering one third of our country to Muslims at the time of
partition, our Congress government says that the first claim on our
resources belong to Muslims.

Our PM loses sleep over the fate of
terrorists and their families.

While they support denigration of hindu
Gods and Goddesses by MF Hussain, they hound out Taslima Nasreen at the
behest of jehadis.

The Congress went to the extent of filing an
affidavit questioning our Lord Rama and Ramayana terming them as myths.

The vilification continues.

If this trend continues shortly they will
declare India as an Islamic country.

 Hindus should only support those
parties who work for the hindu interest.

Let there be secularism. But
it should be applicable to all equally.

No majority or minority

were under subjugation for over 1300 years about one thousand years
under Muslim rule and 300 years under Christian foreign rule.

 Now it is
time to do away with minoritysm.

Let there be equality for everybody.

Stop appeasement and pamperng.

Let there by true secularism, not the
secular terrorism of Congress

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