Promotion of Terrorism: Kerala Social Media Groups under Strict Surveillance

published on October 11, 2014
Strict surveillance and vigil is being kept on a large number of social media platforms, including Facebook, following reports of these being used widely for promotion of terrorist and anti-national activities. The latest episode of cyber crime which caught the  attention of all alike was the hacking of actor Mohanlal’s official website, by pro- Pakistan groups. Messages supporting separatist views and endorsing Pakistani flag were posted on Mohanlal’s website by the hackers. It is also suspected that the same team had made attempts to hack websites of other prominent persons as well. It is also suspected that the same group is behind the endorsement of the Separatists’s theory for Kashmir and Pakistani flag.

Following an indepth investigation, the cyber cell has confirmed strong and widespread presence of these organizations in social media circles. It has been confirmed that atleast ten.such groups are present, which are known for propagating, posting and sharing anti national material that are of inflammatory nature. Intelligence and cyber cell have been issued directives to conduct a detailed probe into the matter. In fact, a Facebook page exists in the very name of the group that hacked Mohanlal’s blog.  And the shocking reality is that Malayalis form an active crowd in these groups.

Cyber cell investigations have also proved that most of them function under pseudonyms. Those operating accounts from foreign shores are also amply present among them.

Police are said to be viewing these incidents with caution, and are said to have taken a firm stand regarding these incidents, especially at a time when border issues with Pakistan are taking a sensitive turn. The centre has also taken a serious view of the matter with the blog of Mohanlal, who has been given the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in Territorial Army, being hacked.

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