Price rise due to Coalition Culture, says Rahul Gandi

via K Vijayan published on January 12, 2011

The Imbecile fake-son-of India has let out the deadly truth – Price Rise is due to “Coalition Culture”, not to be confused with “Coalition Dharma” introduced by The Saffron Party and its Secular Associates.

Like this Culture is all about division of and MAximising the Profit and bugger the aam aadmi. Like one Partner or other in the Coalition takes charge of hoarding, monopolizing and profiteering from Onions, another from garlic, sugar, spectrum, Sethu, Ports, Cinema, Hindu Temples, Road Construction, aviation etc.

Of course all have to pay their Tribute, kappam, kaanikkai or whatever you call the 60% to Noor Rawnee, Son, Daughter, Sisters, cousins resident in Dilli or abroad.

Some select student in the select audience of students he addressed at a select college in Lucknow asked the loaded /leading Question “Why  the UPA government is not able to control inflation and corruption like your grandma did?”


Was it not his Dictator Granny Indira  who famously defended her Raj with the dictum “Corruption is a Global Phenomenon”?

And is it not his Momma Sonia Maino the one who calls all the shots, makes all appointments from President & PM down to the Kalmadis who clean out the CWG latrines?

Maino’s CEC has talked about lowering the voting age to 16, and her we have this Rawhowl asking students to take up part-time politics and work with a “Spirit of sacrifice”.

Very ominous, considering the Sacrifices his Momma made and is making @ 60% of all the action in India, as a part-time Indian.

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