Pranab Mukerjee – Rewriting India’s and Sonia’s History

via V Sundaram published on March 19, 2011

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (1838-1894) of Bande Mataram fame observed in 1882: “There are distortions and systematic suppressions of the achievements and physical prowess of the Hindus in the country of Western scholars. None of the books on Bengal written by British authors contain a true history of Bengal. The Bengalis have to write their history themselves, from their own viewpoint and relating to their own interests. We need a history of Bengal; otherwise there will be no hope for Bengal. But who will write it? You will write it, I will write it, every one will write this history. Whoever is Bengali will write it.”

Perhaps, Pranab Mukherjee has nothing but unconcealed contempt and hatred for the great Bengali leaders like, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Swami Vivekananda, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Sri Aurobindo and Rash Behari Bose, who created the political and cultural Renaissance in Bengal in the last quarter of the 19th Century and the 1st quarter of the 20th Century. Drawing vicarious inspiration from the message of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee to rewrite Indian History, today Pranab Mukherjee is working round the clock to rewrite the history of India according to the Firangi Memsahib Sonia’s anti-Hindu and anti-India model and perspective. Today he is committed only to the cause (nay, because!) of imposing a Sonia cum Rahul Gandhi Family-led Gargantuan Corruption Renaissance on this poverty stricken country!

At the Beginning was the 2G Scam.
The 2G Scam was Sonia Gandhi.
Sonia Gandhi IS 2G Scam.

At the Beginning was the CWG Scam.
The CWG Scam was Sonia Gandhi.
Sonia Gandhi IS CWG Scam.

Any Sonia scam is Pranab scam.
Any Pranab scam is Sonia scam.

Pranab laundering for Sonia
Chidambaram laundering for Sonia
Is the whole time occupation of the Sonia Congress Party
To the ecstasy of all Hawala Operators.

Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi is the Mother Superior of all Scams in India today. Her only tower of strength and alter ego is Pranab Mukherjee. The whole country knows that Pranab Mukherjee — Jo Memsahib kahenge, vahi hum karange! — is the Chief Money Launderer for Sonia Gandhi. This patent fact has been clearly brought out into the open arena of public limelight by Dr Subramanian Swamy, the President of Janata Party.

Dr Subramanian Swamy has recently issued a stern, grim and scorching STATEMENT on 11th March 2011 against the unabashed, uncontrolled, unchecked and unconcealed black money laundering activities of the Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee undertaken with unmatched devotion and enthusiasm for and on behalf of Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi. I am giving below the full text of the Statement issued by Dr Subramanian Swamy:

“The grant of bail to the notorious money launderer, Mr. Hasan Ali, is due to the collusive behaviour of the ED on direction of the Union Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee. MR. MUKHERJEE HAS BEEN A LONG TIME MONEY LAUNDERER FOR MS. SONIA GANDHI.  His frequent trips to Chittarajan Park, New Delhi, over the last two decades, were only to arrange for money transfers for Ms. Sonia Gandhi through Hawala Operators.”

 “Hasan Ali was a conduit for Mr. Pranab Mukherjee—through Ms. Sonia Gandhi’s, Political Secretary Mr. Ahmed Patel MP.  Mr. Patel has met Mr. Hasan Ali many times according to the interrogation records with the Maharashtra Police.”

“Hence, I demand that for a free and fair investigation by ED, Mr. Mukherjee must made to resign from the Finance Ministership, or ED be transferred to the PMO.” (Subramanian Swamy)

What has been the track record of this by no means honest Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee? It is anything but honourable! Pranab Mukherjee was the most favourite domestic orderly in the ‘Imperial Household’ of that wicked dictator Indira Gandhi. During the dark days of the draconian Emergency of Indira Gandhi from June 1975 to March 1977, Pranab Mukherjee was the biggest CHAMCHA of that unruly gangster Sanjay Gandhi. Pranab Mukherjee from the Indira Congress Party and Navin Chavla from the bureaucracy were the two hatchet men of Sanjay Gandhi. With dictatorial authority, Pranab Mukherjee upon the oral instructions of Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi sent innocent men and women to Tihar Jail, and tortured them. Upon oral instructions of Indira Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi, he elevated the willing slaves of the Indira Congress Party as Chairmen and Managing Directors of Nationalized Banks.

Thus Pranab Mukherjee in his official capacity as Minister of State for Revenue and Expenditure in the anti-people Government of Indira Gandhi, violated all administrative rules and procedures and functioned in the most illegal, irregular, immoral, unethical and irresponsible manner. Taking advantage of his personal equation with Indira Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi, he treated the then Union Minister for Finance C. Subramaniam with unalloyed contempt.

When Indira Gandhi came to power again in 1980, she was under the delusion that she was a Chiranjeevinee and will continue to rule as the unchallenged Prime Minister of India for the next 10,000 years till the Year of the Lord 10,981 AD. For criminal favours rendered with unswerving slavish devotion by Pranab Mukherjee to Indira Gandhi during Emergency — sending Maharani Gayatri Devi of Jaipur, a former Swatantra Party Member of Parliament and the Rajmata of Gwalior Vijayaraje Scindia to Tihar Jail — Pranab Mukherjee was rewarded with the post of Union Finance Minister by Indira Gandhi in 1982!

To investigate the widespread misuse and abuse of power during the imposition of double Emergencies, External and Internal, by Indira Gandhi in 1975-1977, the Janata Government headed by Morarji Desai appointed in May 1978 a Commission of Inquiry under JUSTICE J.C SHAH, FORMER CHIEF JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT. Justice Shah investigated enormous number of cases and assiduously recorded a voluminous mass of evidence from the former Union Ministers and officials and submitted his Report in August 1978. Due to internecine quarrel and split in the Janata Party, the Morarji Desai Government fell in August 1978.


Taking a very statesman-like view that a precious historical and political document cannot die and should not be allowed to be “buried” and hidden, from the public of India, Era Sezhian, a former Member of Parliament during the THREE EMERGENCIES from 1962 to 1977, has come forward to compile and edit the full text of the SHAH COMMISSION REPORT. He has written a very detailed, scholarly and brilliant introduction to this new Edition (December 2010) of the Shah Commission Report appropriately titled as the ‘SHAH COMMISSION REPORT (Lost and Regained)’.

I am presenting below the front cover page of the ‘SHAH COMMISSION REPORT (Lost and Regained)’ which has been reissued by Era Sezhian.

I have already referred above to the criminal excesses of Pranab Mukherjee during the days of Emergency of Indira Gandhi from June 1975 to March 1977. In the most corrupt Sonia-directed UPA Government today, Pranab Mukherjee has become an obliging and ever willing satrap in the murky world of money laundering for and on behalf of the Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi to whom – and to no one else – he owes his Cabinet post to boot!

In his very detailed Report given in August 1978, Justice J.C. Shah has adversely commented upon the illegal, unconstitutional and murky activities of Pranab Mukherjee during the days of Emergency from 1975 to 1977. I am giving below a few excerpts from the Shah Commission Report.

Like a Lower Division Clerk with very low cunning and trying to fudge a government file, Pranab Mukherjee also fudged the connected file relating to the illegal detention of Smt Gayatri Devi and Colonel Bhavani Singh. This has been highlighted and very adversely commented upon by Justice J.C Shah on Page 81 of his Interim Report 1 given on March 11, 1978. Let us hear the words of Justice Shah on Pranab Mukherjee, the then Union Minister for Revenue and Expenditure:

7.222 “Shri Pranab Mukherjee recorded a Note on September 7, 1975 which reads as under: ‘May be released on parole as proposed. However PM may kindly see.’

7.223 “Shri Mukherjee marked this Note to PM. The Secret Movement Register maintained by the then Personal Staff of the Minister of Revenue and Expenditure, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, which has been put up before the COMMISSION, shows that the relevant file bearing No: 686/100/75-CUS VIII/75 with the Notes of Shri C.T.A Pillai and Finance Secretary indicating the subject ‘Representation from Smt Gayathri Devi and Shri Bhavani Singh’ was marked to Shri Dhawan APS to PM on September 7, 1975 and was sent in a sealed cover. What decision was taken by the Prime Minister in the matter is not indicated in the file, but it has been noticed that SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE PASSED HIS EARLIER NOTE DATED SEPTEMBER 7, 1975 RECOMMENDING RELEASE ON PAROLE. IF THE NOTE SHEET PAGE IS PUT AGAINST BRIGHT LIGHT, THE NOTING OF SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE REPLACED EARLIER CAN BE EASILY READ. THIS FILE WAS PUTUP BEFORE THE COMMISSION. … AFTER PASTING HIS EARLIER NOTE, SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE RECORDED ANOTHER NOTE ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1975 WHEREIN HE ORDERED THE REJECTION OF THE REQUEST REGARDING THE REVOCATION OF THE EARLIER ORDER OF DETENTION. SINCE SHRI PRANAB MUKHERJEE HAS NOT CHOSEN TO APPEAR BEFORE THE COMMISSION, AND GIVE EVIDENCE AND EXPLAIN THE VARIOUS MATTERS ATTRIBUTABLE TO HIM, IT CAN ONLY BE INFERRED THAT HIS SUBSEQUENT NOTING REJECTING THE REQUEST FOR REVOCATION OF THE DETENTION ORDER MAY HAVE BEEN ON THE ADVICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER INDIRA GANDHI.”

Now let me give some more excerpts from the Shah Commission Report on the shady deeds of Pranab Mukherjee (please see page 82 of the Interim Report I given on March 11, 1978).

7.228: “The manner in which Smt.Gayatri Devi was treated in jail makes a very poignant reading. She has narrated her experience in the jail before the COMMISSION. The Assistant Jail Superintendent has also given a Statement in this regard. She was not at all well when she was taken to the jail and was under medical treatment at the time of her arrest. According to her, the conditions in Tihar Jail were absolutely appalling ; there was complete lack of sanitation, no running water, the public latrines had failed and therefore all the people who were in prison had to use a drain to ease themselves. Rajmata Vijiya Raje Scindia of Gwalior was also brought to Tihar Jail and was kept in a ‘Phansi Kothi’(Cell for Condemned Prisoners) for want of any other accommodation. This cell happened to be next to the room where Shrimathi Gayatri Devi was living…..Smt.Gayatri Devi had lost 10kgs in weight and her blood pressure was very low”.

7.230: “It is thus clear on the basis of evidence that has been brought on record that Mr PRANAB KUMAR MUKHERJEE the then Minister of Revenue and Banking has misused his position and abused his authority in ordering the detention of Smt Gayatri Devi and Colonel Bhavani Singh on wholly insufficient grounds. IT IS A CLEAR CASE OF SUBVERSION OF LAWFUL PROCESSES AND OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES”.

Again let me give another excerpt from the Shah Commission Report on the crimes of Pranab Mukherjee (please see page 57 of the Interim Report I given on March 11, 1978).

7.49: “Although Shri Pranab Mukherjee assisted the Commission at the preliminary stage of the fact finding inquiry, he did not file any Statement in this case as was required to be done under Rule 5 (2)(a) of the Commission of Inquiry (Central) Rules 1972. He had responded to the Summons u/s 8B of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952. But he refused to take oath and tender evidence. However, from the facts on record and the evidence analysed above, it appears that the normal established procedures in regard to the appointment of the Chairman of the State Bank of India (SBI) was not followed in this case and further it was not in accordance with the provisions of the State Bank of India Act, 1955, which made consultation with the Reserve Bank of India a condition precedent to the appointment of the Chairman of the SBI by the Central Government.

The Commission is of the view that considerations other than strictly professional and totally extraneous have unfortunately been allowed to operate in arriving at the decision to appoint Shri Varadachari as Chairman of the SBI. Shri Pranab Mukherjee has violated established Administrative Conventions and Procedures and misused his position in the appointment of Shri Varadachari”

My comment:

Pranab Mukherjee, the shameless and willing slave of Indira Gandhi bowed to her with reverence every moment every day and said all the time, “India is Indira and Indira is India”.

Pranab Mukherjee is the greatest Namak Harami in recent Congress history. When the 125th Anniversary of the establishment of the Indian National Congress was celebrated in 2010, he edited a book on the History of the Indian National Congress Party from 1885 to 2010. In this book Pranab Mukerjee has openly indicted Sanjay Gandhi for being solely responsible for all the excesses of Government during the Days of Indira Gandhi Emergency in 1975-1977. The Shah Commission Report has clearly brought out the fact that Pranab Mukherjee was just a chaprasi in the Office of Sanjay Gandhi during that period.
                                                                                           (to be continued)
Click here to read Part 2

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