Pardon the Italians, Oh Lawd! For they knew not what they were doing!

via K Vijayan published on February 18, 2012

Two trigger-happy Italian Navy Riflemen riding gun on the Italian Tanker (or Cargo Ship) Enrico Lexie, shot down two fishermen aboard an Indian fishing vessel (St.Antony) some 14 (fourteen) miles off Cochin in The Indian Economic Zone or whatever our Sea Lawyers will say it is.

The Captain, crew and snipers refuse to be arrested or questioned by Indian Coast Guard, Navy or Police. The Italian Ambassador and his Consular Clowns go around claiming that the Fishermen were Pirates flying the Jolly Roger, shot at the Italian Vessel first (with pea-shooters?) and the Italian Snipers shot back in self-defence – regrettable and all that, but Justified as with kerning, and Centre-alignment.

And our Ministers and PM maintain a stoic silence, being Muzzled Both Ends – one end being sealed by Sonia’s Stamp-pad and the other constricted by the Pope’s Ring, and Other Material Objects. Has been for almost Two Terms now.

We understand from whispers set afloat by the Indian-Italian Grapevine originating in Gurgaon (or is it Gori Goan), Delhi, that the Italian Captain thought that St.Antony was a Somali Pirate Name, and that the crew of the vessel were expendable Jihadis from Somalia, that they were sailing in African Territorial Waters and not in Sonia Maino’s Italian Eco Zone, and so they indulged in some Target Practice being bored with life on board.

Had they known where they were, or that the Chosen Targets were Indian Catholic Christians they would never have drawn bead.

Once again – most regrettable, So Sorry. But WE have to check with the Pope for facts, after which we will Revert – ie report to Sonia.

Sonia must have already forgiven them, and all her Lawyers and Looters masquerading as Ministers will come out by-and-by explaining why Forgiveness is a Legal Sine-qua-non, or something else Latin-Loverly. Or Quereshical.

Our own Take is that this Gunship was the first of an Italian Naval Expedition, sent (after getting the nod from their Head Spy in India, Sonia-Antonia Maino) as a “feeler” to the Malabar Coast to weigh the state of preparedness of the Indian Navy & Armed Forces as well as the reaction of the Local People and Media. They KNOW that the UPA Government of Sonia is a pushover and ready to surrender to Italy, USA, China or anyone who will feed a few trillions more into their Deposits.

Thank God for the Indian Navy and Coast Guard.

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