ParamAchArya’s Advice to India , in 1947

via Krishnadaya published on February 28, 2009

Hare Krishna ! Dear Bhaktas ,

Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati SwAmigal ( Kanchi SankarAchArya) is one of the greatest Rishis of modern India . Even Muslims , Christians and militant atheists like M.KarunAnidhi have accepted His super intelligence  and integrity. His popular titles such as ; Walking God , ParamAchArya , MahAswAmigal , MahA Periaval , etc are testimonials of His proven divinity .

ParamAchArya’s message to Independent India in 1947

When India became independent in 1947, and that was when the ParamAchArya was 40 years  in the seat at Kanchi Mutt .   This is the divine message which He  gave to India:

this moment when our BhArathvarsha has gained freedom all the people of
this ancient land should with one mind and heart pray to the Lord; we
should pray to Him to vouch safe to us increasing mental strength and
power for making spiritual progress.”


Mind you, He was not asking greater wealth for the country. He was asking for increasing mental strength and a power for making spiritual progress . It is only by God’s grace that we can preserve the freedom we have gained and helped all beings in the world to attain the ideal of true happiness. )

The Indian Trajedy  

Unfortunately , this divine advise was not followed .  India’s national policy rooted on materialism flatly rejects spirituality  uncertified  by modern science .  (The divine Vedas are beyond the reach of materialistic science) .  Citing this excuse , the “Secular” Governments always discouraged the protection of Vedas . As a result,  BhAratvarsha has lost 94% of it’s Vedic roots . If the present trend continues , the remaining 6% will also be lost in a few years .  This is the root cause of the evils  threatening the country’s very existence  .

Strangely,  non-Hindu religionsare exempted from the above policy .  Provisions in the law  protect and promote their religious interestsat Government care and cost . Notable are these latest developments:

  • Indian Government’s new decision to recognize “Madrasa” education as equivalent to CBSE  .
  • Kerala Government’s announcement to provide Rs.4000/ as monthly pension to all retired “Madrasa” teachers .
  • Decision to establish Aligarh Muslim University Campus at Malappuram , at Government cost .
  • Construction of Government sponsored infrastructure facilities for St. Alphonsa Church at BharanangAnam .

Bhagavan Krishna has revealed time and again that every effort must be made to preserve the Vedas .  In the recent Guruvayoor Devaprasnam , Bhagavan urged to set-up a Vedic institution using His Devaswom funds . Unfortunately, even this direct instruction has been rejected by Guruvayoor Devaswom board  . Same
is the fate of the proposals to set-up an Ayrurveda university at
Kottakkal and a Tantra-vidya institution under Devaswom Board .

Devotees must Preserve the Vedas

In view of the negative attitude of India’s administration , the Devotees should try their level best to preserve the Vedas .

This is the  age of darkness ( Kali-yuga) . Only Nama-sankirtana ,   Bhagavad Gita Satsangs , Veda-schools, and Temple-worship are keeping alive spirituality in  BhAratvarsha .

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says  in Uddhava Gita :

” My dear Uddhava,  I
the Supreme Lord assumes a gross form as the various sounds of the
Vedas, composed of short and long vowels and consonants of different
intonations. When sticks of kindling wood are vigorously rubbed
together, heat is produced by contact with air, and a spark of fire
appears. Once the fire is kindled, ghee is added and the fire blazes.
Similarly, I become manifest in the sound vibration of the Vedas “.


Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!

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