Pakistan’s direct hand behind Mumbai blast

via HK published on July 13, 2006

NEW DELHI: Govt sources confirmed that there are enough evidences of Pakistan’s direct involvement in the Mumbai blast.

Police got evidence that several calls were made to Karachi and Dubai minutes before and after seven attacks on commuter trains. Seconds after the blast at Matunga, calls were made from the area to Dubai. Calls were also made to Karachi after blasts at Jogeshwari and Borivali.

Public telephone operators in those areas have given description of some callers.


The state government has summoned mobile phone operators to find out why their networks jammed immediately after the blasts.

Intelligence agencies in Kashmir are investigating a call made by a man claiming to be part of Al-Qaeda.

Sources say the attacks were planned well in advance and their target was upper middle class professionals who traveled in first-class compartments.

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