Pakistan Heading Towards A Jihadi Disaster

via Dipin Damodharan published on June 9, 2011

A nation that preaches the ideology of hatred against Indians, a nation that propels and orchestrates blatant terror attacks on Indian soil, a nation that has adopted terror as their official policy…Yes, only this way one can sum up or define the country Pakistan in the current scenario. The word Pakistan means ‘the land of pure’, but the country created on the lines of Islamic religion has now turned into a trash bin of all impurities.

Pakistan has been a hot hub for global terrorists, underworld dons, smugglers…for several decades. Osama bin Laden, the engineer of global terror mall Al-Qaeda, had a honeymoon life with his wives under Pakistan’s most powerful agency ISI’s nose for about five years. That happened when America had been searching for Laden; to avenge the biggest terror strike that struck American soil, the September 11 disaster. But, for America, national sentiments are supreme and they did it in style. Without the consent of Pakistan government, Obama’s soldiers killed the orchestrator of September 11 attack in Pakistan. Pakistan have no answer…How Osama could have lived there without their knowledge?

But for the Americans, Laden was not enough. Going on with their war on terror, the No. 3 of global terror network, the much hyped new Osama, Ilyas Kashmiri have also been killed by the US in Pakistan’s South Waziristan. Following the death of these terror leaders, Taliban’s Pak arm Tahrik-e-Taliban started to put their anger on the normal Pakis in the form of bomb explosions. The pressure from global community, the internal pressure and the pressure from the terror modules seem to have really cornered Pakistan.

A befuddled establishment

Practically, Pakistan can’t do any thing. Because the fundamental reason for all these paranoia is their longstanding links with hardcore Islamic militant organizations. When these kind of things challenge a befuddled establishment, the frustrated ISI killed a brave journalist, Syed Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistan Bureau Chief of Asia Times Online for exposing the unholy nexus between ISI and militant outfits. His latest book: Inside Al-Qaeda and the Taliban: Beyond Bin Laden and 9/11 also irritated the ISI.

In the midst of all this, another man, David Coleman Headley, made some startling revelations in America, which helped polish Pakistan’s terror tag a little bit more. Headley, one of the key conspirators of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, made it clear that the attack was planned and executed under the guidance of Pakistan’s most trusted intelligence agency ISI. It is not the government or the political parties, but the ISI and Army that is remote-controlling Pakistan.

In all dimensions Pakistan has been proving that the terror tag is apt for them. So what talks do you initiate with a terror state? But, in spite of that India is still engaged in so-called peace talks with Pakistan. The reason only Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh will be able to explain.

But the million dollar question arises here is, where is this Islamic country heading? Is Pakistan heading to a Jihadi catastrophe? Chances are high. If it happens, India will have to prepare to take on that most horrible challenge.

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