P. Chidambaram should resign, owning up moral responsibility -Swamy

via Press Release published on February 15, 2010

The Union Government, nominally led by Dr. Manmohan Singh, has become a cartel of commentators instead of governing the State.  In the 13/2 Pune terrorist attack, the Home Minister P. Chidambaram must take responsibility and resign since he has  centralized in his own hands all the entire national security apparatus recently.

Governance of the State requires a strategy of deterrence against enemies of the nation, of both State and non-State actors, not merely defence.

Instead all that the present government is doing is making pious comments. The November 26, 2008 Mumbai terror atrocity took place even after US and Israeli Intelligence warning of the mode and time-frame of the terrorist attack. All responsible except for Mr. Shivraj Patil are back on their same jobs.

Again the prime Government commentator Mr. Chidambaram first disclosure in 13/2 Pune atrocity is that there was advance information on the 13/2 Pune terror blast.The nation demands to know what the Government intends to do to effectively deter future terrorist attacks and not to hear of the usual bureaucratic measures of defence measures.

As a first step, I demand the resignation of Mr. P.Chidambaram who has made the national security apparatus impotent by his greed for control.  I also demand the hanging of Afzal Guru and S. Nalini & two others as a second step of deterrence.  Other steps will take time to implement and can follow in due course. 



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