Overcoming Denial

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on April 20, 2009

As part of the election campaign, I have traveled the breadth of Bharat. BJP is very strong where RSS and VHP are effective.  Christians, Marxists, Muslims and treacherous regional parties like DMK, ADMK, PMK, Telugu Desam, BSP, NDF and PDP have made an unholy alliance against BJP and Hindus. These anarchist groups receive millions of dollar from western Christian and Islamic nations to destabilize India and deconstruct Hindu society. The entire media is in the hands of Christian, Muslim and foreign groups who have determined to spread lies and manufactured news about BJP and Hindus. BJP should have assertively promoted Hindutva and a strong national policy for a vibrant and secure nation that can lead the world. BJP will come out as the largest single party with large number of parliamentary seats.
The bogus secular Hindus are trying to avoid major dangers by exposing Jihadi terrorism, Christian conversion, Corruption, looting of public wealth, black money and Pakistan inspired Islamic violence. And they are making compromises to appease Muslims, Christians and subversive groups. Congress, Marxist and regional political leaders are very hypocritical. They are in denial and easily give in to anti national pressure groups to protect themselves against injury and punishment. However, giving into this attitude leads to a loss of Hindu identity and self-esteem. The danger of assuming hypocritical behavior is a loss of Hindu identity. They wear a mask that pleases Muslims, Christians and their secular slave masters. However, they play the double role too well, compromising Hindu needs too much, and the mask becomes a permanent fixture. Could this election help Hindus to expose these scoundrels and miscreants? These pseudo secularists are in a hurry to surrender to hate and to their slave masters. 
During my trip to Mumbai by train, I had the opportunity to speak to a secular journalist about preferential treatment for Muslims and Christians, Indian Black Money in Swiss Banks, Coercive Religious Conversion, Jihadi terrorism, distribution of Pakistan printed Indian counterfeit currency by Muslims, foreign money flowing into India for subversive activities and for conversion, Christian and Muslim domination in government, in education, security and defense. The secular journalist responded: “You know you’re making all this up, it isn’t true. I certainly don’t remember any of the things you are telling now”. The speaker was a Congress party member and a journalist and he was telling me in no uncertain terms that he did not believe me. His amnesia is intact and strong protecting him from unpleasant facts. I decided to blast at his denial a little. My remarks made him uncomfortable, but it did not break his thick wall of denial.
In fact, majority Hindus are in deep denial. Denial is an unconscious coping mechanism that grants people to adjust to uncomfortable situations. But when denial goes too far, it can interfere with reality check or create obstacle to moving forward. Like the secular journalist, majority Hindus are not realistic. They are afraid of responsibility and taking bold action. When Hindus are in denial, they appear to be pretending that something is not happening or is not true. This deliberate denial prevent Hindus from effectively dealing with issues such as Jihadi terrorism, Christian inspired Mao mischief, missionary directed Naxalite anarchism, Congress corruption, Marxist subversive activities and regional party inspired separatism that require effective strategies. It is a roadblock to result oriented and goal directed action.
In its strictest sense, denial is considered to be an unconscious process. That is someone does not choose to be in denial. However, In India, educated and secular Hindus and psychopathic political leader’s denial may be sometimes having a conscious component-they may deliberately choose to be in denial. In either case, they are in denial and the Indian media amplifies it. Indian secular politicians and the oppressed Hindus want to avoid pressing issues and threatening facts of the situation. They minimize the consequences of Jihadi terrorism, subversive activities, and coercive religious conversion.
During my interaction with common travelers, intellectuals and political leaders I have found that denial is not the only mechanism they use to escape from reality. Alienated intellectuals and phony secular Hindus use other types of defense mechanisms to escape from responsibility. They use rationalization to justify Jihadi terrorism, religious conversion, corruption, and Islamic violence. Irrational rationalization and phony explanations help them to hide the real reasons for Jihadi terrorism, religious conversion, and foreign inspired subversive activities. They justify anti national activities and disastrous Congress policies and deeds with elaborate and incorrect explanations. 
It is strange that the media in India resorts to “Repression” in dealing with pressing and problematic situations. By banishing all awareness or painful situations, they enable citizens to avoid problematic issues from their thoughts and feelings-as if they never happened. Media Repression and Suppression confuses the majority about threatening issues and enable them from thinking about the problem.
Hindus need to join together and break the thick wall of denial. Hindus are faced with life threatening issues. When faced with an overwhelming turn of events-Hindus have to face the reality of the situation. 

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