Our expectations from the Bharatiya Janata Party

via T.C.Govindan published on January 31, 2009

For the last one month I have come across a number discussions on prime
ministerial candidates and criticizing Advaniji  & BJP. Among the 
present  lot who is the best candidate for the post of Prime Minister?
I would like to state that those who are propagating this type of
discussion in the name of Hindutva are only scoring self goal,and
helping the Congress party. It is very easy to criticize, but these
people are not suggesting any alternative to BJP. If they really
believe in Hindutva,  they should criticize the present
Govt’s.discriminatory policies towards  the majority community, which
has resulted in the polarisation of the society.  It is necessary to
evaluate the performance of the UPA Govt.

The Prime Minister had spent his full energy , time & utilized the
entire Govt. machinery including the  services of the national security
adviser for clinching the nuclear deal, leaving  aside the national
security of India. What is the use of increasing the nuclear power
stations  without  proper security? It is like stock piling nuclear
weapons without security. If the Prime Minister had shown the same
interest for implementing the planned programs of national security, a
number of terrorist attacks could have been prevented.

The proposal to raise the Special Forces Command was mooted a long time
ago and the Army Training Command (ARTRAC), Shimla, was entrusted with
the responsibility of drafting a concept paper. The concept paper has
been gathering dust with the Government for over two years now.

The Mumbai terror attack seems to have galvanized the Government into
fast-tracking the move, sources said. The Army has also speeded up the
process of acquiring sophisticated arms and ammunition that would be used by  Special Forces.

Similarly there are many other important proposals  put into the cold
storage  before the Mumbai   attack.  The UPA Govt.was interested only
in vote bank politics and pampering the so-called minorities, and never
cared  for the welfare  of the Hindus.

Crores of  Rupees have been spent for implementing  the controversial
Sachar committee report without any proper justification and evaluation.

Similarly huge amounts  are being spent for implementing  the Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme  without  any infrastructure or planning.

Most of the projects are un-productive and the UPA Govt. is projecting
it as a  great success.The much-hyped  Setusamudram  project is yet 
another un-remunerative project which was mooted only to taunt  Hindus,
and probably to help anti-India forces.

On the economic front the UPA Govt. has done nothing spectacular, for
which  it can take credit. It is the NRIs who deserve the credit.  It
is also  the innate adaptability of a large section of the   people of
this country, and their   attitude towards  life which is  helping the
nation to reduce the impact of the recession .  Sanatana  Dharma shows
the simple way of life & at the same time how one can achieve
prosperity and peace. The  propensity  to save  wealth for future
requirement  is predominant among Hindus. That is the reason  why
consumption  of gold is very high in India and gold is stocked to meet
any contingency.

Unfortunately, the  UPA Govt. is treating  Hindus like second- class
citizens. How  can we  get justice, so long as  the leader is an alien,
who has no regard for the  spiritual and cultural ethos of this great
land  of ours. The country is progressing but Bharat  will lose its
identity under the present Govt. As a Hindu  I expect the following
actions from the BJP if they got majority in the coming


1)Review the nuclear deal and if possible not to proceed further. I
strongly feel this deal is not in the interest of the country for a few
valid reasons.

All the educated people of this country should  know  why  the
Americans dragged us to sign this deal. So kindly spend some time to
read the attached articles and the reason given  below:-

Americans dragged us into signing the   123 agreement, not to prevent
further testing. In spite of their best effort and modern technology
they could not prevent us   in 1998. There is a hidden agenda and
nobody wants  to disclose due to some reason or other.  India is the
only country in the  world which is  vigorously  persuing thorium-based
fast breeder reactor  and the   time is not very  far when our
scientists  will achieve the goal within  4 to 5 years and India will
be the world leader  in this technology. This will have a very serious
repercussion on uranium-based technology all over the world which has
its own draw backs. So the main idea of this deal is to prevent or
delay this development. Even if we prove our commercial viability, USA
will prevent the   sale of the reactors to other countries saying  it
has to use weapon- grade plutonium. If you  go through the Hyde act the
stress is given to prevent us making weapon grade plutonium. That is
why they generously agreed to delete nuclear test in the deal. It is
important to spread this news among all educated youths in India.

2)Declare Rama Sethu as a national monument and also get UNESCO to declare it a World Heritage site.

3)Review the distorted Indian  History taught in the schools & colleges.

4)Stop  the ‘minority’ appeasement  policies &  projects of the UPA
Govt. (after review), which is threatening communal amity.

5)Review rural employment guarantee schemes and stop the projects which are un- remunerative.

6)Implement  the river- linking projects  to stop infighting among the
states which is seriously affecting the unity of  the country.

7) Take strong action against Naxalites and Maoists, who are
terrorizing the people.  Our foremost  enemies are the  
communists,especially the marxists. They are the ones who falsified 
and distorted  the History of India.

8)Take strong action against illegal infiltration from Bangladesh.

9)Top priority  should be given for  national security.

10)The morale of the Jawan and the Kisan should get sufficient boost from the Govt.

11)Scrap the controversial, illegal and discriminatory  HR&CE Board.

12) “Each nation has an identity and destiny. As far as Bharat is
concerned,Hindu is its identity and religion is its way of working”,
said SwamiVivekananda. Hinduism must be given pride of place in Bharat.

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