Operation Vijay Diwas observed

via www.dailypioneer.com published on July 27, 2007

Kargil war heroes were remembered on the occasion of eighth anniversary of operation Vijay Diwas launched by the Indian army in May 1999 to thwart Pakistani intrusion in Drass and Batalik sectors here.

The observance of a saga of valour and sacrifices commenced with wreath laying ceremony at the Drass war memorial at the base of the famous Tololing feature, which has been constructed by the army in the memory of soldiers.

Lt Gen OP Nandrajog, Goc-in-C central command and Lt Gen HS Panag, Goc-in-C northern command paid rich tributes to the brave officers and young soldiers who made supreme sacrifices while fighting the enemy.

The ceremony concluded by lighting of candles and mashals on the war memorial in the memory of the martyrs.

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