Nun’s under attack, No uproar – as it’s not done by Sri Ram Sena!

via HK published on January 27, 2009

Thiruvananthapuram: Selective reporting and crucifying Hindu organisations is nothing new , Ironically on the same day as that of Mangalore pub attack,  here back in Kerala an attack of similar kind in which women were targeted happened.


Difference is that those under attack were Nuns, Not drunken and drug addict girls. The attackers targeted an orphanage, Not a Pub.


The News haven’t ignited any News Value!


Yes , You are right – If a Nun is under attack usually our Media and Political leaders along with women right activist and Social activists will barge into scene of attack to shed crocodile tears – Then why this case haven’t gain any attention of those vested interests?


The clue to the question lies in who the attackers were! – Yes The Little Flower Convent in Njharakkal was attacked by the Church priest and   other Church authorities!


Sister Rais Rose(44) and Convent inmate Mariyakutty (46) is recovering in Govt. Hopital here. Dispute regarding the governance of Little Flower school resulted in this attack.

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