Not decimation of opposition but rebuilding National polity must be Hindu Sanghatanist task ahead

published on April 2, 2014

Will join BJP, if Narendra Modi promises not to increase prices of gas: Arvind kejriwal | Apr 02, 2014, 11:51AM IST

New Delhi: Arvind Kejriwal will support Bjp, provided they do not increase the prices of the gas. Speaking at a rally in East Delhi’s Gandhi Nagar, Aam Aadmi Party convener said that he would ‘join’ BJP if Narendra Modi promises not to increase the gas prices.


From the above news we can see the health of the Opposition in Indian polity now.
Just a few years ago- the Fake Secular, self defeatist Polity seemed implacable and invincible. The Hindu Nationalists have squarely defeated the main rival- the UPA and its erroneous commitment to the anti-hindu animus and constituency.

In its existential crisis- INC set up a Decoy to divert the outrage of National psyche over its Scandals.That attempt to create a Gandhi 2 (Mahatma Anna Hazare) initially was missed by Hindu Nationalists till he removed Bharat Mata under pressure from his platform stage- his undoing.

Then his foundling Arvind Kejariwal was propped up to divide the anti-incumbency.
It was bloated out of proportion and again initially Nationalists in their approval seeking weakness- cajoled and paid a price at Delhi elections.

Since then the BJP wave has been building like a Tsunami and washing everything ahead in its wake. This is matter of immense pride and delight- but must be handled with responsibility. On the wake of this certain doom of anything that stands against this Modi wave being sure to be swept away- Fake secularists, Islamist frontsmen, evangelist agencies have all beelines to coax and dilute its Objectives with mutual compromises-joining BJP.

We have alerted the Nationalists to remain vigilant and gird up the Values system within a triumphant BJP. Now whatever remains of National Opposition is now caving in.
Arvind capitulates and stipulates conditions for a mutual endorsement. This will lead to a near total abdication of political dissent- But not a matter at all to rejoice for the Nationalist- since it isn’t an Ideological triumph but a victory of Partisan Politics and Personality.

For this to turn to an actual Victory of Hindu Nationalism over the foes of Bharat Mata-
Hindu Sanghatanists must rise above Partisan politics and look beyond their noses.
Whatever be the evil or omissions and commissions we attribute to Dr Manmohan Singh- he certainly uttered one sensible and gladdening thing-

When BJP was defeated and everything seemed hopelessly lost for Hindu Nationalist Party- and on top of it went to edge of precipice and break up into factions.
At that juncture Manmohan Singh whether he really was gleefully chuckling within or he did mean it- He did say-“ we need a strong opposition- we do not want the National opposition Party to break and weaken.”

That must be also every lover of India as a strong Democracy must do.The capitulation of AAP party is just a hint at soon to come Collapse of Indian National Congress.
This also is the declared slogan of Modi’s campaign- to wipe Congress out of map of Indian Politics.

Well, we pointed out- if you achieve that- there will be in its stead Leftism its Secessionist sponsor as your Opposition? That would be like creating a vacuum and handing it on a platter to a marginalized Communist ideology.


Our focus must from now on must be to rebuild the collapsed Indian National Opposition. Along the lines of Savarkar- and upon Bipartisan spirit of Nation building.
Hinduise Politics!

It is very certain that revolt against Sonia Gandhi’s autocratic stranglehold on this once great nationalist Party that pioneered our freedom struggle will break out after the disaster of 2014 elections we expect see.

It is there that Hindu sanghatanists must have a role to help them- find themselves up on their feet and as good sincere Nationalists. An Indian Polity that has wiped out its Opposition and has dominant Ruling party- even if it be our own Hindu nationalistic BJP- is not in the best interest of the country. It will only lean on and become Fascistic.

The capitulation of Arvind Kejariwal therefore must be turned into marginalization of his Idea- and seen as an opportunity to rebuild his party in opposition in the mould of Hindu nationalism purging its anti Hinduism.

Therefore he cannot and should not be allowed to join the BJP and destroy his base.
A befitting retort from any leader in BJP should be- not a welcome note but this-
“We will also join the Indian national congress if it rejects Gandhi family hegemony, alien dictations and accept our cultural ethos.” We will be with you as Hindu Nationalists if you make them abandon their anti-hindu animus.

Don’t worry that we will mistake you for a turn coat, opportunist or a traitor-
As long as the caveat being the above stipulated conditions. Paradoxically for the Hindu nationalist – the Decimation of its Political rivals and Abdication of Opposition Party has come to worry him?

After we are finished rendering what is our dues to the only Party that ever committed to Hindu Nationalist ethos-

Sanghatanists must turn Bipartisan and work towards help rebuilding the Decimated opposition with a single Criteria- of similar commitment to Hindu nationalism.
After seating the Modi Sarkar and done with our celebrations- turn to the hard task of serving the National opposition to the BJP as an equally Hindu nationalist Opposition.
This harder, subtler idea, and therefore more challenging nation building task -would bear fruit if tended not in a verbal Declaration but the actual Delivery of Hindu Rashtra.

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