Noble rascality of Rahul Gandhi!

via Padma Sundaram published on November 29, 2010

Noble rascality may appear to be a contradiction in terms. History is my hobby. I have learnt more from my private study of history than from St Stephen’s College, Delhi where I studied Economics for 5 years from 1953 to 1958. I have derived the title for this article from British period of Indian history. In 1843, the English East India Company attacked Sindh and occupied it like an armed dacoit. Sir Charles Napier (1782-1853), the British General who was in-charge of this unprovoked assault operation, remarked: “We Knew it from the beginning that it was a piece of rascality. If this was a piece of rascality, it was a noble piece of rascality!” Moreover it seems to fall into place because Rahul Gandhi is the great-grandson of Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru who shamelessly declared: “I am a Hindu by accident of birth.” “I am the last Englishman to govern India”.

After the ‘glorious’ and ‘unprecedented victory’ in the recent Assembly elections in Bihar, the ‘Congress High Command (which means the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient alien born Sonia Gandhi and no one else)’ deputed His Royal Highness to he ‘Saffronized’, ‘Communalism-ridden’, ‘Saffron Terrorism infested’, Gujarat to give his reverberating, rejuvenating and revolutionary political message to the battered and shattered people of Gujarat! Some years ago, his mother, the international stateswoman who is in the run for Nobel Prize for Peace and also for canonization by the Pope in Rome, had covered herself with historic glory by paying her tribute in Hindi, uttered in Italian accent, to Narendra Modi calling him “Maut ka Saudagar” (Merchant of Death). Now the sensational actor ‘Crown Prince’ endowed with every sense other than commonsense has made history by likening Narendra Modi to Mao Tse-Tung. If only Mao Tse-Tung had been alive, he would have dealt with Rahul Gandhi in the same way as he had dealt with his political opponents in China!

Rahul Gandhi, after completing his electoral campaign in Bihar which was marked by, malice, vicious small-mindedness, name-calling, slander, calumny and hatred towards Nitish Kumar, went on a three day tour to Gujarat. He addressed three meetings in Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Rajkot. At all his meetings, there is normally a pre-arranged and well orchestrated question hour session organized by slavish Sonia Congressmen to enable the ‘Crown Prince’ endowed with the intellect of a Bertrand Russel, the wisdom of Socrates and the looks of Manmatha to answer questions posed to him by young people with extraordinary speed and grace! Unfortunately for the “Crown Prince’, it was a different and totally unexpected scenario at all his meetings in Gujarat.

Normally at all his meetings, some young men would stand up and pay lavish tributes to His Highness for his noble and lofty qualities of leadership, a rare man in Indian history — nay, world history —  cast in a grand mould. But in Ahmedabad Rahul Gandhi was brashly told by the youngsters about Chief Minister Narendra Modis’s grand development agenda for Gujarat and how it had taken Gujarat to unprecedented levels of economic prosperity in the field of agriculture and industry — large, medium and small. One of the students stood up and asked Rahul Gandhi: “Why are you cavilling against Narendra Modi who has given our nation his unique model for effective governance?  Has he not given to the people of Gujarat a pragmatic model based on the principle of minimum government and maximum governance?”

At the same meeting in Ahmedabad a young girl, with legitimate contempt and well-merited contempt for the artificially catapulted and exalted status of the ‘Crown Prince’, got into an animated and spirited argument with Rahul Gandhi. She tauntingly asked him: “I challenge you to name Congress leaders who can measure up to Narendra Modi on development work”.

Rahul Gandhi lost his temper and gave this bizarre rejoinder to the students. To those young students who were impressed by Narendra Modi’s ‘minimum Government, maximum governance’1 agenda: the ‘Crown Prince’ exclaimed “Mao also developed China but he caused destruction to the country too.”  One of the enthusiastic and bold young students, refusing to be put down by the ‘Crown Prince’s’ snub, retorted: “You are referring to the Gujarat riots. Both Muslims and Hindus died in that violence.”

Why did the ‘Crown Prince’ Rahul Gandhi go to Gujarat at all? The ‘Crown Prince’ Rahul Gandhi was supposed to come to Chennai and lord it over the electoral ally DMK, after winning 240 out of the 246 seats in the Bihar Assembly elections and after installing a Congress Government there. As the Congress Party got a well-deserved drubbing in Bihar, he could not show his face here in Chennai. The grapevine in New Delhi is abuzz with rumours that he went into a state of mental depression after the Great Bihar Debacle! In order to rouse himself to more dynamic political action and keep his Sonia Congress family business afloat he was advised by his Italian Mama’s advisors that offence is the best form of defense! He was told that the best thing to do is to go to the ‘Saffronized’ Gujarat and continue the glorious tradition of ‘Maut ka Saudagar’ attacks on the ‘Communal’ Narendra Modi, already so well-established by the Mother Superior herself!! And so the Son clinched the ‘Gujarat victory’ soon after the ‘Bihar victory’! Now the shameless and supine 24/7 slaves of the Firangi Memsahib and her Party, like Abhishek Singhvis, Manish Tiwaris, Dwivedis and Jayanti Natarajans would be confabulating with one another to finalize the strategy to take the new ‘message’ of the ‘Crown Prince’ Rahul Gandhi to the masses of India through the Sonia Congress-mafia gagged mass media in India — both print and electronic.

The students of Ahmedabad deserve to be congratulated by the people of India for having shown great political maturity and understanding by fearlessly ticking off one of the top-most anti-National, anti-social, pro-Islamic, suavely Christian and virulently anti-Hindu Rahul Gandhi. What are his great political credentials to attack Narendra Modi? What are his established national credentials to be the General Secretary of the Congress Party? Is he not there merely because he has been nominated by his firangi mother? If such a thing

The students of Gujarat were not the first to diagnose, detect and dissect the walkie-talkie fraud and hypocrisy of Rahul Gandhi and his family. Earlier this year, on February 2, 2010 when he went to Darbhanga in Bihar to address the students of Lalit Narayan Mithila University, he had made some uncalled for and wholly unfounded allegations against Narendra Modi. He showed his Italian mother’s foolishness and imperious arrogance when he ranted and raved: “For India to be changed (presumably into the bhooka-nanga Bharat of his dreams) Gujarat needs to be changed first.” Tempers flew and the furious students turned on him. I wish they had dealt him the same treatment which the top congress leader-goons in New Delhi gave to the sitting Congress President Sitaram Kesari. Sitaram Kesari was shoved around and finally locked up in a bathroom before the supporters of the Firangi Memsahib declared her to be the President of the Congress Party.

The outraged students of Darbhanga hurled these questions with ferocity at the ‘Crown Prince’: “What about the condition of Bihari youth in Congress-ruled Maharashtra and even under the Central rule of your party? Why are you involving Gujarat here?” The students also reprimanded Rahul Gandhi by saying: “This meeting is not a platform for making political statements.” If it had been in New Delhi, he could have let loose the goons of the Congress party on the students with the police looking on, to settle immediate political scores. But in the opposition NDA ruled Bihar, Rahul Gandhi could only look on with impotent rage. Left with no alternative, he tried to mollify the irate students by saying that his attacks on Narendra Modi were  “just a slip of the tongue” and that he meant to say “For India to be changed, Bihar needs to be changed first.” Mercifully, the poor but politically savvy voter millions of Bihar have ignored this gratuitous and uncalled for advice and given a thumping majority to the NDA Government headed by Nitish Kumar.

I understand that Rahul Gandhi’s media managers take care to keep away the prying Press from the stage-managed meetings with the students! Why is this so? Why is he so nervous about the Press? I am sure it cannot be because he asks the students to do drug peddling or indulge in any other offences. Why does Rahul Gandhi fear the press so much, particularly when it is closely monitored, controlled, modulated, modified, bribed, blackmailed, arm-twisted by the evil Sonia Congress duo of Ahmed Patel and Sonia Gandhi operating from minute-to-minute every day from No: 10 Janpath, New Delhi? Even his Italian Mama’s slavish advisors don’t have much of an opinion regarding his intellect, obviously!

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