Nobel Peace Prize – The braying of Macaulay-Babar ka Aulads is touching new heights of brain-dead hypocrisy

published on October 11, 2014

Halaal-e-hoo Yaah!Hoo-haah! Hee-haw!

The braying of Macaulay-Babar ka Aulads is touching new heights of brain-dead hypocrisy, and total inability to tell shit from ice-cream.

Like this Nobel Piss Committee found Uncle Tom Obama suitable for the “Peace Prize” as soon as the Global Terror Purveyors of the USA elected him as President, and he has been continuing his War against Peace as assiduously and if anything even more brazenly than any of his not-nobelled White Christian predecessors.

And these Christian Purveyors of Destruction have converted Kailash Vidyarthi and Poor Little Paki Malala into the figurehead promoters of “Peace” – at least for this Year.

So what is their Role in jointly or severally promoting Peace?

Like Vidyarti during two decades of well-internationally awarded Child Rights Activism has managed to keep his eyes tightly shut, lips sealed and put a muzzle on his pen when all around him muhamedan savages of all brands were (and are) chopping off the foreskins of infants, and in some Islamic sects clitorises of girls too. Perhaps that is the Great Global Christian Contribution to Peace.

Perhaps Pakistan deserves a Nobel Piss Prize too for not hanging the Malala shooter, and so gracefully rendering First Aid and permitting her to get treated in England and becoming a Paki- Islamic Peace Icon.

So okay – are Sathyarthi and Malala “Crusaders”? Why pin that filthy Label on them? The word is at least as detestable as “Pariah”  in the non-christian world.

And we are surprised that when there are so many worthy candidates, living and some luckily dead or absconding have been glaringly left out by the infamous Norse Christian Nobel Committee.

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