No trace of Khandu’s copter – Idle Speculations

via K. Vijayan published on May 2, 2011

No trace of Khandu’s copter – IANS etc ; 3-5-11

A copter carrying the CM of Arunachal Pradesh has gone missing since three days, and Rational Speculation has been significantly missing in Media Reports, almost as if Sonia-G had a Hand in it. So here goes Idle Speculation, since that is about all we may indulge in without becoming the Target of US Copters, Drones, the muhammedan bichhua or the Tamil Christian Suicide Bomber.

IS No.1: One copter is supposed to have hit the compound wall or something in Osama’s Fort Abobottabad, and US paratroop Commandos/Marines/Seals blew it up. This proves the Indian Government’s involvement in the strike against Osama, absolves American Terror, and justifies UNSC Sanctions against India, and a Paki nuke hit against Dilli.

IS No.2 : Khandu has hi-jacked the copter and flown to Beijing to negotiate terms for acceding parts of Arunachal Pradesh and other NE States to China in exchange for establishment of a Christian Country with Dominion Status within the Secular Democratic Peoples Republic of China. This may be the New Obama Religious Freedom Caucus-cucka Initiative to free Oppressed Indian Christians from the Hindu Yoke. Or it may be Manmohan’s Notion  of Dialoguing and CBMing China. Time or Turner will tell.

IS No.3 : China has hijacked the copter as a bargaining chip to have India render unto China that which China claims is China Clay.

IS No.4 : Speilberg’s ETs have taken the copter to study the DNA of Borderline Christians and make adjustments, after which they will all be returned safe and sound with no memory of what happened. Even less memory of recent events than Sonia’s Thieving Brigade and our Main Stream English Media.

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