Newly emerging Semitic equations in the changing world situations

published on October 11, 2010
A new experience of Kerala

Prof. C. I. Issac

Samuel P. Huntington observes in the nineties of the last century that “In the emerging era, clashes of civilization are the greatest threat to world peace, and an international order based on civilizations is the surest safeguard against world war”. [The Clash of Civilizations and the Remarking of World Order, Published in 1996]. According to him Islam is the only villain in this phenomenon. Now it is the time to reexamine this statement. The changing world scenario reminds the need for so. Long before his findings India has been experiencing the pinch of octopus tightening of alien civilizations since the dawn of the last century. Recent question of Ground Zero Mosque construction and its general American response and US President’s response are irreducible. It is no doubt, the beginning of the labour-pain of newly emerging anti-pagan equations. Furthermore Pope Benedict XVI’s call for redefining the concept of secularism, the back bone of the modern West. He affirms that in fact secularism leads to atheism which is natural opponent of the Church. What so ever it may be, one thing is apparent that the bedrock of the Semitic ways of governance is theocracy. It is inevitable for the survival of Semitic polity. Thus the expelled Christendom or the revengeful ghost of Caliphate all over the world is queuing up for a comeback. In the light of the changes in the international undercurrents it is genuine to examine the newly emerging Abrahamic religious equations of Kerala. 

Maoism is the old Communist wine in the new bottle. Communism is the materialistic version of Semitic notions. Hence Communism from its very inception in this land much indebted to Semitic forces of India. The present mischievous designs of Muslim-Missionary-Maoist are in uninterrupted operation all over India. The appearance of Christian-Islam-Maoist unholy nexus in India is not at all a secret. Swami Lakshmananda’s assassination and the fundamentalist Islamic patronages received by the Maoist in Kerala are the recent distrustful developments. The evolution of the recent unholy friendship between the fundamentalist Islam and the Catholic Church of Kerala are pointers to the said twist.  Jihadist Islam and Catholic Church of Kerala are in secret understanding. It is mainly targeted to keep minority religious interest through the Congress commanded UDF political framework. Muslim League divided India in 1947 in order to fulfill Pan-Islamic designs [Dar-ul-Islam].  It is obsolete that the same Muslim League shared the political power of the divided India’s governments of 2004 and 2009. The backseat rider of the both regime is an Italian Catholic. Thus the latest developments in the Catholic Church are the part of an all India conspiracy masterminded under the Empress without crown.

When 125 year old Kerala Catholic-Church-run vernacular news paper “Deepika” was at the brim of bankruptcy, fundamentalist Islamic forces arrived at its rescue. Furthermore the professor who subjected to the Sha.ri.‘ah administration of justice in Kerala was terminated from the service by the Church in order to strengthen newly sprouting understanding between Church and Jihadists to destabilize Hinduism from Mother India. By this new turn Church has introduced a new precedent to justify the spirit of ‘Mosaic’ [Moses is prophet to both Islam and Christianity]  administration of justice by leaving the destiny of the victim professor at the mercy of Islamic Jihadists as it is practiced right now by some Islamic countries.

It is no doubt a conspiracy hatched out by the Catholic Church and Jihadist Islam in order to let off the accused from the rule of law. The dismissal of the professor, who lost his hand under the instruction of Taliban Court, from the service by the Catholic Church, was a calculated affair. The dismissal order contained a provision as precondition to revoke the penal steps of the college management is ‘pardoning to the professor by the Muslim jihadists’. It was the outcome of a conspiracy. Professor as the first witness of this crime case when the case is posting for evidence, in order to achieve pardon from jihadists the professor should discharge the evidence before the trial court as a hostile witness.  “What an idea sabji!”
Furthermore to convert Kerala into a Dar-ul-Islam, the government decided to start Islamic banking in Kerala. For this end the state-owned Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation [KSIDC] had registered an Islamic Banking company with a share capital of Rs.10 billion. Government share in the proposed bank was limited to 20% and the remaining opened to the jihadists. Nobody opposed this endeavor. With the imitative of Dr. Subramonya Swamy on 5th January 2010 the division bench of the Kerala High Court had stayed the functioning of the proposed bank and later Reserve Bank intervened and made it clear that according to existing rules such banks could not be started. If the rest of India is not vigilant, the minority appeasing political parties at the Centre may clear all the hurdles before the idea of Islamic banking, in the near future. 

Now the destiny of the microscopic minority of liberal Muslims of Kerala is shrouded in uncertainty. Liberals not forms the vote-bank. Radical Islam [jihadist] progressing under the protective policy of appeasement. The story of Raihana a 20 year old aeronautical engineering graduate girl stands as sufficient testimony to the timidity of the contemporary political set up of Kerala. She is hailing from an orthodox family of Kasaragod, one of the Muslim dominated districts of the State. She had avoided the orthodox Muslim attire and preferred secular garments. These infuriated fundamentalists and thus began to create threat to her life. The existing governmental machinery had not shown enough courage to protect her civil rights. So she is forced to secure protection from the High Court. The history teaches that police protection in Kerala, from K. T Jayakrishnan [a UP School teacher and Youva Morch President] to jihadist Abdul Nassar Madhani, hither to only serve the interest of terrorists. Jayakrishnan was brutally exterminated in the class room by comrades of Marxist Party while he was under the police protection. Abdul Nassar Madhani, under the police cover-up successfully executed Bangaloru serial bomb blast of 25th July 2008. Taliban Court started countdown upon Raihana’s life. May God protect her!

Conversely the jihadist appeasing-political-setup of Kerala never spoils any chance occasionally crop up. For instance, the Government of Kerala recently decided to contribute a relief of Rs. 50/- million to the flood affected Pakistanis. Even though Pakistanis are reluctant to accept the Indian relief even from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Muslim jihadist appeasing political mechanism of Kerala is well ahead. “Perhaps this would be the first time that the State Government is providing financial assistance to a foreign country”. [The New Indian Express, Kochi, 14 September 2010].  Neither opposition coalition UDF nor cultural magnets not even opened their mouth or had shown any courage to criticize the anti-national mood of the state government. In Kerala a new anti-Hindu tempo is brewing. The main constituent elements behind the new phenomenon are Catholic-Marxist-Muslim nexus. Their target is to marginalize the existing Hindu population both economically and numerically. Let us pray to Lord Vishnu for another incarnation in order to protect the remaining Hindus of Kerala from the final extinction.   

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