Nation should be proud of Patriotic Lt. Col. Srikant Prasad Purohit

published on November 17, 2008

THE recent arrest of military intelligence officer Lieutenant Colonel Srikant Prasad Purohit on the charge of involvement in the Malegaon bomb blasts, seems to have put Hindus in general, and Hindutva forces in particular, in a dilemma.


‘What should our stand be? Should we support Purohit or disown him? Should we deny that Purohit is involved in any bomb blast? Or, as most Hindus do most of the time, should we simply stay silent?’  These seem to be the thoughts going through the minds of millions of Hindus right now.


And, as usual, there is no one to help or guide ordinary Hindus on the stance they should take in this matter (or, on any thing that impacts the daily lives of ordinary Hindus). The saints and swamijis, the political and cultural leaders, all are either silent or busy preaching Gandhian sentimental trash to a great, ancient society on the brink of disaster.


So, what should our stand on the Purohit affair be? Should we hang our heads in shame when sworn anti-Hindu TV channels, newspapers and magazines call us ‘Hindu terrorists’?


If you have read the philosophy of Lord Shri Krishna (whom all Hindus revere) as given in the Bhagavat Gita, and have understood it rightly, you won’t have to think twice on whether to support the military intelligence officer’s action or not.


We should proud that Col. Purohit took initiate this combat against a society of criminals and terrorists that has been tormenting us for 1,400 years.” “Retaliation against adharmis is our dharma and Col. Purohit have done his duty even at the risk of loss of career and life.


It is another matter that Lt Col Purohit may, in the end, be proven to have nothing to do with the Malegaon or Samjhauta Express blasts. All this may be an elaborate dirty trick (for which Gandhi’s Congress have always been well-known) as a general election draws near and the Muslim vote bank needs to be made secure once again. Remember, not one of the charges against the revered Kanchi Shankaracharya has been proven.


Col. Purohit’s action proves that, despite the immense damage that Hindu society has suffered because of invaders over the past 1,400 years and because of pseudo-secularism over the past 60 years, our civilization is not yet dead.

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