Muslim appeasement-A disaster to Nation

via Amitabh Tripathi published on June 29, 2006

Last week two unusual announcements came from Government. In these announcements both have severe implications on our foreign policy. According to these announcements Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh will attend summit of Non Align movement instead of United Nations Summit in September and Defence minister Pranab Mukherjee has deferred his proposed visit to Israel which was scheduled to this month.

In his path breaking initiative Prime Minister will shake hand with Cuban president chief supporter of Iranian right to enrich itself with nuclear arsenal. Reason for not attending United Nations summit is given as it does not have any serious agenda. It looks rather unusual logic specially in a situation when Prime Minister himself has fielded a candidate for prime post of United Nations who with his blessings lobbying hard in his favour and Prime Minister says it has no serious agenda and what could be more suitable place where all leading nations will present to convince them about their apprehensions on Indo-US nuke deal. 

But Prime Minister has decided just opposite to it not to capitalize situation but to attend summit of a dead organization who is no more than a shadow of cold war era. Does it mean Indian foreign policy is still suffering with dogma of cold war or it has some other meaning.

Obviously it has some meaning behind it, decision of Defence minister to defer his proposed Israel visit unlocks this secret. Non Aligned Summit will be hosted by Cuban president Fidel Castro, who with Venezuelan president Chavez not only trying to consolidate anti-American forces but has openly advocated the right of Iran to acquire nuclear capability. Non aligned Summit is going to endorse this view formally in presence of some state heads. If nuclear enriched state Iran presents an immediate threat to any nation obviously it is none other than Israel.

Both of these development tells the story of Indian government’s U turn on key foreign policy issues. Compulsion of vote bank politics has guided UPA government to review its stand on Iran which will have direct effect on Indo-US nuke deal.

Since India voted against Iran in IAEA along with America and other European nations in last October , Muslim polity in India began to polarize on foreign policy issues which had direct relations with Islamic Ummah.

Middle Eastern politics in general and Israel in general is pivotal to Islamic Ummah and any development on this front affects Muslims across the world. Since American invasion of Afghanistan to regime change in Iraq Ummah is suspicious on every act of America in this region. In their view America is pushing its neo-imperialistic agenda under the grab of democratization of Middle East.

When Taliban regime was overthrown in Afghanistan Islamic Ummah had little scope to condemn it because civilized world was jubilant on this development and situation was not more different when dictatorship of Saddam Hussain came to an end but theory of atrocities on Muslims was roaming around Islamic Ummah and now Iranian episode is gradually taking shape of international Muslim politics.

Iranian President has some time gestured as he has some intelligent political agenda when he wrote letter to American President with raising various issues which are very near dear to Leftists around the world. Iranian president Mahmood Ahmedinejad want to occupy the leadership of Osama Bin Laden with broadening the movement of Islamic terrorism with allies of non terrorist Muslims and Leftists.

Although Shiites and Sunnis are on the verge of civil war in Iraq but they are coming together in India. Some efforts of formation of Muslim political parties in India is driven by same inspiration. These political groups want to convey a message to political parties of India that they can not be taken for granted very long without following the foreign policies most suitable to Islamic Ummah.

However on International front Islamic revival forces and leftists are coming together but in Indian context Congress do not want to create any vacuum for left or parties like Samajwadi party. Congress witnessed how Left and Samajwadi party were successful in galvanizing Muslim support in its rallies just after Indian government’s vote against Iran in IAEA and at the arrival of American President to India. Sunni’s were unhappy with Indian stand in Iraq invasion of America and Shiites disappointment was visible after Indian vote in Viana. Both of these frustration and anger manifested when Muslims in huge number were allowed to mobilise after the arrival of American president and publication of caricatures of prophet in Danish and some other European magazines. These key decisions on foreign policy front give proper ammunition to left and Samajwadi Party to attack on Congress. These parties painted congress as key ally of America in Muslim repercussion.

Results of last assembly elections in key Muslim states proved to be an eye opener for Congress. New political outfit of Assam AUDF hampered Congress prospects very badly in state where traditional Muslim voters left Congress and same thing happened with Kerala where Congress ally Muslim league was rooted out from its strong hold Mallapuram region. This fact become more relevant in this background that whole campaign of left parties was based on foreign policy. Left parties love for Palestine is not new, last year CPM not only mourned for slain Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat but their conventions were also devoted to Yasser Arafat.

Left parties new grown love for Islamic Ummah is result of international polarization of left and right which started from 2001 when racial conference in Durban put the issue of Palestine on high priority list of left movement. Left is not only supporting cause of Palestine it also pushing its agenda in Nepal by hijacking foreign policy of India . Polit bureau member Sitaram Yechuri is mediating and facilitating between Political parties of Nepal and Maoists without any legitimacy of Indian government. He is not mediating on part of Indian mission and trying to provide solid ground for his Maoists comrades to strengthen their base and resources. Democratic parties want ceremonial powers to king but Maoists want to hang him and Yechuri want participation of Maoists in government at any cost even on the cost of national security also. Some doubts has been raised in various circles that if some Maoists will become part of government a new wave of intra factional war between Maoists cadre will start and Nepal soon will emerge as Kabul and Iraq of south Asia. Yechuri has nothing to do with these apprehensions and he is in hurry to get Maoists in main stream to pressurize Indian government to follow this formula in India very soon and stop police action against these militants in various states.

In this battle of political interests national interests has been ignored. Knowing it very well that any Muslim neighbor enriched with nuclear capability is not in national interest Congress led government is going to support Iranian nuclear build up. It is surprising how government can ignore the fact that Iranian nuclear build up mission is part of Pakistani nuclear scientist A Q Khan’s notorious black-marketing network.

Congress president has pledged to get back Muslims to their side and in this process she not only influencing Government to take major policy decisions to appease Muslims in internal matters she is ready to revert external policy also.

Few months back when some Muslim clerics demanded Congress president to resolve the issue of Kashmir it was clear indication for submission to demands of separatists which starts from round table and ends in Kashmiri accession to Pakistan. Under influence of these clerics Congress government shuts its eyes from daily killings of Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir. Congress Government wants Muslim votes, even if its cost is the life of Hindus. 

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