Mushrooming of Madarsas in Rajastan

via HK published on October 31, 2005


Mushrooming of madarsas in the country has become a cause for concern as these could become the haven for the terrorists as they could move around under the disguise of religious teacher,Mullah, besides indoctrinating the young muslim children in Jihad.


A report from Rajasthan’s Bharatpur area says that in the last two decade or two the Mewat villges in that state and Haryana have witnessed unprecedented growth of madarsas.  “While such institutions impart Islamic education for ‘free’ it has allowed fundamentalist teachers of western Uttar Pradesh and Bihar to gain access to the backward Meo community”.


Meo leaders said to have conceded the presence of some outside scholars in big madarsas but the law enforcement agencies are beginning to feel the weight of the iron curtain around these institutions, a report in the Daily Pioneer said.


The Miel madarsa in Gopalganj village is one of the biggest madarsas in Mewat region of Rajasthan where classes ae held in a basement and over 3,000 students (both boys and girls) from Meo villages, including neighboring states of UP, Bihar, Delhi and other parts of the country are trained in the study of Islamic theology and history, Mr Lakhan Singh Khatana of Pahari Police Station in Bharatpur was quoted by the paper as saying. “There have been reports that girls from other states are brought to these madarsas. There are also charges tht after indoctrinating them with Muslim religious law they are married off to the Meos”, Mr Bhagawan Das, a local Journalist was quoted as saying.


There were also reports to suggest the Meil madarsa is even admitting foregin students, leading to an increased cash flow, he said.


There are already 10 -12 madarsas with two to four new one being added every year, the SHO said.


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