Mr PM, my 12 questions!

via (Twitter Handle - @drone_gal) published on June 8, 2011

Mr Prime Minister,

Until June 4th, I used to proudly brag,with swollen heart,that I am really PROUD to be born in the nation which has the LARGEST DEMOCRACY in the world. The nation which harbored stalwarts like M.K. Gandhi, Subhash Chandra bose, Mangal Pandey, et all. The nation,which taught AHMISA and Non violence to this world, that, even Martin Luther King had visited India to meet M.K. Gandhi to learn the art of “non violence” from him,to practice the same, in order to bring freedom to African Americans. You will be even astonished to know that Martin Luther King museum has Gandhi’s bust size statue, as a salute to his teachings of “non violence” and ahmisa to the world.

Let’s leave USA for now, let’s go back to INDIA. On June 4th,2011midnight, I was flabbergasted to learn from the fellow tweeple(who were LIVE tweeting seeing BREAKING NEWS on television) about the massacre at Ram Lila grounds, launched by your honorable government,under the instructions of Sonia Gandhi.The horrifying scenes of women being pulled by their hair, duppattas pulled, molested, children being lathi charged, etc. Were you aware of this or were you as usual,kept in “dark” and you don’t know what happened “behind closed doors” when Sonia summoned for meeting at 6PM that day,before sending her vaanara sainya?

If you have come out of your hibernation, could you please take your precious time,off your busy schedule and reply to my below concerns?

1) Why was Baba Ramdev evicted forcefully,when he was holding a peaceful protest? When Mahatma Gandhi, now called, the Father of the nation, did fasts and peaceful protests in the past, when Anna Hazare was allowed to do peaceful fast,without any interference from your police force, WHAT wrong did Baba Ramdev do? What was your problem? Did Baba’s “saffron” robe traumatize your govt? or the presence of more than 1 lakh of his followers? or did your government have “nervous breakdown” fearing old skeletons tumbling out of closet, if Baba turns out successful? Read Wikileaks on KGB:  and proof of Rajiv Gandhi’s swiss bank account containing 2.5 million Franken

2) Some of your chamchas were found suffering from “foot in mouth” disease,with their inane theories,”Baba was arrested for assembling people. Are these chamchas of yours immune to intelligence? Can you educate those dimwits that, according to Article 19 of Indian Constitution, “Every citizen has the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT to hold peaceful protests”! Link:

3)WHY did the delhi police swoop down,opening tear gas on sleeping protestors at 1:10 am midnight on June 4th? The protestors over there were sleeping, they were not playing “treasure hunt”,searching for your “spine!” The act of opening tear gas on sleeping people is so Barbaric. Even the Britishers had the spine to attack from the front! Your government said they arrested him as they received information that RSS planned to kill him. Oh yes! RSS is a terrorist org and I just saw an alien knocking at my door!

4) WHY was RAF sent to evict Baba Ramdev? Is he a terrorist? RAF squad at Ramlila grounds brought back memories of Rang De Basanti movie’s ending scene where the govt sent RAF to kill Aamir Khan and his friends for fighting corruption! Did Sonia Gandhi watch Rang De Basanti and get inspired by it, before she called for press meet at 6PM?

5) Your government gives Z class security to Kasab, feeds him chicken biryani in the prison. He is living a more secured life than you in India,despite being a terrorist. Your government has formed pro terrorist rules and laws, appealed for clemency of Afzal Guru,even though Supreme court gave him death sentence! In spite of fighting terrorism and punishing the terrorists, your goverment went hammer and tongs on “Baba Ramdev” and harmless women and children,protesting peacefully at Ram Lila maidan! Can you explain this?

6) Kapil Sibal yesterday said “He is a yogi, he should stick to yga, instead of fighting corruption and forming political parties”. Will you mind showing him the mirror and asking him “If a bartender can head congress party,why can’t a yogi float a party”? Why this double standards?

7) Digvijay Singh called Osama Bin Laden as “Osama ji” and Baba Ramdev as THUG!! He also made some inflammatory speeches on Baba Rmdev. Can he be arrested under IPC 153A,just like Varun Gandhi?

 Your party members were crying foul over Sadhvi Ritambara sitting with Baba Ramdev! When Agnivesh, a well known Maoist supporter sat with Anna Hazare,why didn’t your government rant over it? Because he supports Maoists just like your government does? What about Teesta? She is pro LeT. But, your government has her on NAC planning committee!

9) Previously Arundathi Roy and Syed Ali Shah Gilani had made anti India speeches in Delhi. Why were they not arrested ? Why was Baba Ramdev arrested and barred from entering Delhi, even if he did not make any anti India speeches?

10) Your government had no problem with Geelani holding peace rallies following Osama Bin Laden’s death,recently,in Kashmir But had problems with Baba Ramdev’s peaceful protest against corruption?

11) Your Home ministry and police denied attacks on women and children. But the pictures and news articles show otherwise! WHY were women targetted by pulling their hair, molesting them, pushing and kicking them? WHY were children below 1 year lathi charged?

Links and proofs of women and children being assaulted and molested:

1)Rajbala a woman protester was lathi charged.Her spinal cord is fractured now and she is in ICU. She is paralysed for life.

2) 25 women gone into hiding after being molested by drunken cops

3)Pictures of assualt on men and women:

a) Man in bandage after aasault:

(b)Rajbala who is paralysed for life:

(c)Rajbala’s condition released by doctors:

(d) Police used lathi charge on protestors:

4) Videos:

a)Watch this video to know what really happened at RamLila grounds:

(b) A woman saying on TV ‘Ladkiyon ki chaati par maar rahe hain’ (police hitting on the chest of women)

I watched with immense frustration,agony and aghast, when Times Now, showed LIVE images of women being assaulted and molested. Women cried and pleaded with police,to spare them; asked them, where they should go at midnight in the city known as “RAPE CAPITAL” of India,where girls/women are molested everyday, at the blink of the eye! But kudos! your policemen were found heartless!

12) Your government took 3 years to arrest Raja,(2g scam), 2 years to arrest Kalmadi (CWG Scam), but less than one day to arrest Baba Ramdev, even if he was fasting peacefully for the welfare of the nation! Your government has no time and interest to look into rape cases in Delhi, despite being ruled by a woman,Shiela Dixit, but has all the time to assault, molest and beat the hell out of innocent women and children!

Lastly, I was very concerned over your absence,since June 4th 2011, 1:10 AM. I wanted to have a glimpse of you. I wished that, you would come out in open and say “I condemn the attacks on innocents on June 4th,2011?. Many people on twitter launched #findingManmohan initiative to find you in every nook and corner in India. Finally, news channels started flashing your statements. I felt relieved to see that you had finally woken up and smelt your coffee. But what disappointed me was when you said :” It is unfortunate that operation had to be conducted but quite honestly, there was no alternative” .

Really Sir? Really? You had no alternative, other than swooping down heavily with RAF on innocent sleeping people, who had no idea about the forthcoming barbaric act on them? You had no alternative, other than turning this Ram lila grounds into another Jallianwala Bagh or Tiannammen Square massacre? You know what? fortunately or unfortunately,your barbaric act coincides with the date,when Chinese government killed innocents at Tinnaneman square on June 4 1989!!

You said that you don’t have a magic wand! Why not,first concentrate on having some “spine”?

Yours Sincerely,

(Frustrated) INDIAN CITIZEN!

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