Mother’s Day and Media Morondom

via K Vijayan published on May 9, 2010

The aulaads of Macaulay and Babar are going ahead with yet another brainwashing day to celebrate and insinuate their Colonial-Commercial idealogy and anti-human culture into India.

Hindus are taught “Mathru Devo bhava; Pithru devo bhava; Guru Devo Bhava; Athithi Dhevo Bhava.” Mother, father, teacher and guest are to be treated like God. In the Enlightened West where single-parent families, live-in-coupling, unwed mothers, divorce, re & re-marriages, gay-parenting, dumping of parents in Old Peoples’ Homes are the “norm” there is need for Mother’s Day, Father’s day etc. Maybe these Days will be further classified as Fatherless-Mother’s Day, Motherless-Father’s Day, Bull-dyke’s Day, as the concerned Groups’ need for greater identity rises.

Ominous, how attempts to de-sensitise Indians to real human issues and Hindu Values are continuing. Whch Philanthrophist is paying for all these full-colour advertisements and drippy write-ups and Talk Shows?

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